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16 Foundation Material
16 Foundation Material
010 Foundation Reinforcement
020 Expansion Material
20 Cement Blocks Pads & Piers
20 Cement Blocks Pads & Piers
010 Cement Blocks
020 Pads
030 Piers
040 Masonry
050 Accessories
21 House Steps
21 House Steps
010 Wood Steps/Stingers
030 Concrete Steps
040 Concrete Steps w/Stoop
050 Handrails
060 Miscellaneous
22 Culverts
22 Culverts
010 Metal Culverts
020 Metal Culvert Accessories
030 Plastic Culverts
040 Plastic Culvert Accessories
34 Exterior Sheeting & Foam
34 Exterior Sheeting & Foam
010 Exterior Sheeting
020 Foam Sheeting
44 Polyethylene Sheeting
44 Polyethylene Sheeting
010 Bulk Poly Film
030 Consumer Poly Roll [Promo]
040 Poly Sheeting Accessories
45 Ventilation Products
45 Ventilation Products
030 Power Vents
040 Turbine Vents
060 Vent Screens
070 Wall/Roof/Ridge Vents
090 Foundation Vents
48 Deck Railing/Porch Posts
48 Deck Railing/Porch Posts
010 Posts
020 Handrails
030 Ballusters/Spindles
60 Empty
60 Empty
010 Empty
70 Fencing - Vinyl & Accessories
70 Fencing - Vinyl & Accessories
110 Fencing Accessories
130 Vinyl Fencing
80 Mobile Home & RV Products
80 Mobile Home & RV Products
010 RV Product
900 MH Doors
910 MH Windows
920 MH Skirting
930 MH Anchors/Tie Downs
940 MH Accessories
82 Concretes/Blacktop/Sand Prod
82 Concretes/Blacktop/Sand Prod
010 Concrete/Blacktop Mixes
012 Mix-Ins For Concrete
020 Concrete Mixers
030 Concrete Colorant
060 Accessories
070 Sand Bags/Tube Sand
83 House Siding/Accessories
83 House Siding/Accessories
010 Vinyl Siding
020 Siding Accessories
030 Cement Siding/Accessories
040 Asbestos Siding
050 Masonite
060 Wood Siding/Accessories
070 PVC
85 Roofing
85 Roofing
010 Aluminum Valley
020 Galvanized & Copper Valley
030 Rosin Paper & Felt Paper
040 Rolled Roofing
050 Roofing Accessories
060 Metal/Fiberglass Roofing
070 Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingles
080 Cedar
86 Insulation/Bldg Wrap
86 Insulation/Bldg Wrap
010 Kraft Faced
020 Unfaced
025 Cellulose
050 Building Wrap
060 Reflective Energy Barrier
070 Accessories
87 Rain Diffusion
87 Rain Diffusion
010 Metal Gutter/Downspout
020 Vinyl Gutter/Downspout
030 Metal Accessories
040 Vinyl Accessories
060 Drip Edge
070 Diffusion Accessories
89 Ceiling Material
89 Ceiling Material
020 Ceiling Tiles
030 Ceiling Tile Grids
040 Accessories
91 Gypsum Panels
91 Gypsum Panels
010 Gypsum Panels
020 Fireguard Gypsum
030 Wetguard Gypsum
040 Stretchrock
050 Cement Board/Accessories
060 Sheetrock Accessories
93 Plywood
93 Plywood
010 Cabinet Grade
020 Sanded
030 Rough
040 Stranded/Particle Board
045 Treated
94 Cut Lumber/Panels/Hardwood
94 Cut Lumber/Panels/Hardwood
020 Wood Paneling & Accessories
028 Fiberglass Panel & Accessories
030 Cut Lumber/Panels
050 Lattice Panels & Accessories
01 Windows
01 Windows
010 Aluminum Widows
020 Pre-Made Screens
040 Alum Vinyl Clad Windows
050 Solid Vinyl Windows
060 Glass Block Windows
070 Window Accessories
20 Interior Doors
20 Interior Doors
010 Bi-Fold
015 Folding Doors
020 Door Only
040 Masonite Units
050 Accessories
25 Exterior Doors
25 Exterior Doors
010 Door Only
020 Wood Units
030 Steel Units
040 Fiberglass Units
050 Double Door Units
060 Misc. Equipment
30 Glass Door Inserts
30 Glass Door Inserts
010 Door Blinds
35 Screens & Storm Doors
35 Screens & Storm Doors
010 Screen Door
020 Croft Storm Door
030 Larson Storm Door
040 Weatherstrip/Sealant
050 Screeneze
50 Attic Stairway
50 Attic Stairway
080 Attic Stairway
60 Shutters
60 Shutters
010 Vinyl Louvered
020 Vinyl Panelled
040 Shutter Accs
70 Columns
70 Columns
010 Wood
020 Metal
030 Fiberglass
80 Unfinished Mouldings
80 Unfinished Mouldings
010 Unfinished
020 Primed
030 MDF
040 Oak
050 Poplar
060 Speciality/Carved Mouldings
070 Moulding Accessories
90 Prefinished Mouldings
90 Prefinished Mouldings
010 White
040 PVC Trim
050 Crystal White
060 Majestic Oak
070 Russet
93 Moulding/Craft Wood
93 Moulding/Craft Wood
040 Wood Shims/Specialty Prod
060 Azek Trim
95 Stair Parts
95 Stair Parts
010 Treads
020 Hand Rails
030 Ballusters
040 Newel Posts
050 Accessories
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
OOS Shrink
00 Floor Care
00 Floor Care
010 Liquid Wax [No Buffing]
020 Liquid Wax [Buffable]
030 Paste Wax
040 Clean & Wax
050 No-Wax Floor Care
051 ** SKU Conversion **
060 Wax Removers
080 Floor Cleaners
01 Tile Care
01 Tile Care
010 Tile/Grout Cleaners
020 Grout/Slate Sealers
040 Adhesive Removers
02 Furniture Polish/Touch-Up
02 Furniture Polish/Touch-Up
010 Furniture Polish [Aerosol]
020 Furniture Polish [Liquid]
030 Furniture Cleaners
03 Household Cleaners
03 Household Cleaners
010 Powder Cleaners
020 Muriatic Acid
030 Mineral Removers
040 Mildew Removers
050 Metal Polish/ Cleaners
060 Rust Remover/Preventative
070 Wood Cleaners
080 Counter Top Cleaners
090 Leather/Vinyl Cleaners
100 All Purpose Cleaners
110 Specialty Cleaners
120 Wall Cleaners
130 Disinfectants[Liquid]
140 Oven Cleaners
150 Degreaser Cleaners
160 Exterior Cleaners
170 Disenfectants[Aerosol]
190 Vinegar [For Cleaning]
180 Bleach
200 Disinfecting Wipes
210 Adhesive Removers
05 Glass/Plastic Cleaners
05 Glass/Plastic Cleaners
010 Fiberglass Cleaner
030 Glass Cleaner[Non-Aerosol]
040 Glass Cleaner[Aerosol]
050 Sprayers
060 Glass & Surface Cleaners
06 Air Freshener
06 Air Freshener
010 Air Fresheners[Aerosol]
020 Air Fresheners[Solid]
030 Air Fresheners[Liquid]
07 Bathroom Cleaners
07 Bathroom Cleaners
010 Bowl Cleaner[Liquid]
020 Bowl Cleaner[Solid]
030 Cleaning Tools/Refills
040 Tub/Tile/Shower
09 Waterproofer/Moisture Control
09 Waterproofer/Moisture Control
010 Fabric Waterproofer
020 Moisture Control
11 Mops/Wax Applicators
11 Mops/Wax Applicators
010 Stick Mops/Mopheads
020 Mop Handles
030 Dust Mops/Treatments
040 Sponge Mops
050 Wax Applicators
060 Sponge/Dusting Refills
12 Rug/Upholstery Cleaners
12 Rug/Upholstery Cleaners
010 Rug Cleaners [Shampooer]
020 Rug Cleaners [Aerosol]
040 Upholstery Cleaners
050 Rug Treatments
060 Spot Removers
070 Carpet Deodorizers
100 Rug Cleaner[Extraction]
110 Allergy Control Products
13 Soap/Detergent/Ammonia
13 Soap/Detergent/Ammonia
010 Dish Soaps
030 Detergents [Powder]
040 Detergents [Liquid]
050 Fabric Softeners
060 Cleansers
070 Ammonia
090 Empty
100 Specialty Laundry
120 Laundry Pre-Treats
140 Dishwasher
130 Hand Soap
15 Hand Cleaners/Gloves
15 Hand Cleaners/Gloves
010 Hand Cleaners
620 Hand Protectors
16 Home/Maintenence Brushes
16 Home/Maintenence Brushes
010 Scrub Brushes
020 Dusters/Accs/Refills
030 Fender Brushes
040 Household Brushes
050 Maintenance Brushes
17 Sponges/Chamois/Scourers
17 Sponges/Chamois/Scourers
020 Sponges
030 Scouring Pads
040 Soap Pads
18 Polish Cloths/Rags
18 Polish Cloths/Rags
010 Dust Cloths
020 Polish Cloths
030 Wiping Rags
19 Brooms/Dust Pans
19 Brooms/Dust Pans
010 Corn Brooms
020 Plastic Brooms
030 Push Brooms
040 Broom Handles/Accs
050 Whisk Brooms
060 All Dust Pans
1A Kitchen Textiles/Paper Product
1A Kitchen Textiles/Paper Product
010 Household Trash Bags
020 Compactor Bags
030 Industrial/Commercial
040 Bag Holders/Accessories
604 Paper Towels
606 Facial Tissue
20 Oil Dri/Sweeping Compound
20 Oil Dri/Sweeping Compound
010 Oil Absorbent
020 Sweeping Compound
21 Squeegees/Window Brushes
21 Squeegees/Window Brushes
010 Window Squeegees
020 Floor Scrapers
030 Window Brushes/Accessories
22 Mop Wringer/Buckets/Pails
22 Mop Wringer/Buckets/Pails
010 Mop Wringers/Buckets
020 Plastic Pails
030 Metal Pails
040 Mopping Accessories
23 Vacuums/Sweepers/Scrubbers
23 Vacuums/Sweepers/Scrubbers
020 Hand Held Vacuums
110 Commercial Floor Care Accs
25 Lubricants/Contact Cleaners
25 Lubricants/Contact Cleaners
010 Lubricants
020 Contact Cleaners
26 Tapes
26 Tapes
020 Plastic Tapes
030 Masking Tapes/Machines
040 Wallboard Tapes
070 Safety Treads
080 Duck Tape
27 Glues/Adhesives/Applicators
27 Glues/Adhesives/Applicators
010 Household Glues/Cements
020 Construction
030 Contact Cements
050 Spray Adhesives
060 Repair Adhesives
070 Adhesive Applicators
080 Instant/Super
090 Epoxy
100 Wood
110 Subfloor/Deck
120 Panel
130 Glass And Mirror
140 Vinyl/Pool
150 Plastic/Rubber
160 Craft/Paste-Up
170 Cove
190 Flex Seal
28 Caulk/Sealants/Glazing
28 Caulk/Sealants/Glazing
010 Pure Silicone
020 Siliconized Acrylic
030 Latex [Non-Silicone]
040 Specialty
050 Tub/Tile/Shower
060 Foam
080 Fire Stop Caulks
090 Caulk Accessories
100 Caulk Kits
999 Special Order
29 Caulking Guns
29 Caulking Guns
010 Caulk Guns
31 Paint Brushes
31 Paint Brushes
030 Consumer Natural Bristle
040 Consumer Synthetic Bristle
050 Foam
060 Single Use/Toss-Away
080 Promotional Multipacks
090 Professional
100 Paint Mits
32 Ladders
32 Ladders
010 Aluminum/Steel Step Ladder
030 Fiberglass Step
040 Accessories
050 Aluminum Extension
060 Fiberglass Extension
070 Scaffolds & Accs
838 Step Stools
34 Wire Brushes
34 Wire Brushes
010 Wire Brushes
35 Knives/Scrapers
35 Knives/Scrapers
010 Linoleum Knives
020 Putty Knives/Scrapers
030 Wood Scrapers
040 Razor Scrapers
050 Replacement Blades
36 Painter Tools/Pails/Accs
36 Painter Tools/Pails/Accs
010 Painter Tools
020 Paint Pails
030 Plastic Tubs
040 Masking Paper
050 Paint Clean-Up/Accs
060 Cover-Alls/Spray Socks
38 Paint Dept. Giveaways
38 Paint Dept. Giveaways
010 All Paint Giveaways
39 Drop Cloths
39 Drop Cloths
010 Plastic
020 Paper
030 Canvas
040 Rosin/Const. Paper
40 Glass Cutting Tools
40 Glass Cutting Tools
010 Glass Cutters
020 Glazier Points/Access
41 Paint/Varnish Removers
41 Paint/Varnish Removers
020 Adhesive Remover
010 Chem Paint/Varnish Remover
030 Graffiti Removers
040 Furniture Refinishers
050 Mistake Removers
080 Electrical
100 Remover Accessories
42 Masonry Paint/Sealers
42 Masonry Paint/Sealers
010 Readymix Waterproof Paint
020 Dry Waterproof Paint
040 Clear Sealers
050 Masonry Stain/Paint
060 Masonary Cleaner
43 Wood Finishes
43 Wood Finishes
010 Clear Varnish
030 Clear Lacquer
040 Oil Stain
050 Water Clean Up Stain
060 Penetrating Finish
070 Scratch Repair
080 Fortifier/Filler
090 Deck Cleaners
110 Spray Stains
120 Water Clean-Up Varnish
44 Sovents/Thinners
44 Sovents/Thinners
010 Solvents/Thinners
020 Specialty Thinners
030 Deglossers
040 Brush Cleaners
45 Roof/Driveway Maintenance
45 Roof/Driveway Maintenance
010 Driveway Sealers/Accs
020 Roof/Foundation Coatings
030 Repair Fabric/Matting
040 Driveway Cleaners
46 Wall Repair Comp/Fabrics
46 Wall Repair Comp/Fabrics
010 Wall Repair Compounds
020 Wall Repair Fabrics
030 Joint Compounds
040 Spray Texture
050 Drywall Repair Sheets
48 Cements/Plasters
48 Cements/Plasters
010 Concrete Bonders
020 Patch & Repair Products
030 Tile Grout
040 Grout & Mortar Additives
49 Steel Wool
49 Steel Wool
010 Steel Wool
50 Sandpaper/Disks/Belts
50 Sandpaper/Disks/Belts
050 Sanding Sponges
010 Packaged
020 Bulk
030 Hand Sanding Accessories
51 Glass
51 Glass
010 Consumer Sgl Strength
050 Cut To Size Mirror
52 Acrylic Sheeting
52 Acrylic Sheeting
010 .100 Strength Acrylic
020 .125/.250 Strength Acrylic
030 Acrylic Accessories
56 Wood Filler/Putty/Sticks
56 Wood Filler/Putty/Sticks
010 Wood Filler
020 Wood Putty/Dough
030 Touch-Up/Blend Sticks
61 Liquid Paint - National
61 Liquid Paint - National
040 Specialty Paints
62 Paint
62 Paint
171 Val Int Medallion
172 Val Int Expressions
173 C/O Val Door & Trim
174 Val Ext Medallion
177 Kry Rust Tough
178 Val Barn-Metal Bldg
185 Val Primer
191 Sure Color
010 Ace Royal Ext Paint
013 Arbor Coat Exterior Stain
014 Magnolia Home
060 Ace Farm Paints
070 Ace Royal Int Paint
097 BM Interior Super Hide
120 Ace Wood Finishes
130 Ace Enamels
140 Ace Specialty Products
143 BM Specialty Products
160 C+K Interior Paint
170 C&K Exterior Paint
179 Val Exterior Aspire
180 Val Interior Optimus
181 Val Interior Aspire
182 Val Interior Pro
183 Val Ceiling
184 Val Exterior Pro
187 Chalk Paint
190 Duralux Marine Paint
191 RO Sure Home
192 BM Corotech Command
185 Val Int ProHide
186 Val Ext ProHide
098 BM Ext Elm Grd
63 Spray Paints
63 Spray Paints
General Purpose
Krylon Spray
010 Enamel
020 Rust Preventative
030 Clear
040 Lacquer
050 Fluorescent
060 Metallic
070 Commercial/High-Heat
090 Specialty Primers
110 Epoxy Paint
120 C/I Spray Paints
130 Chalk Paint
71 Paint Rollers
71 Paint Rollers
010 Long Nap
020 Short Nap
030 Specialty
040 Trim & Mini Rollers
050 Professional
070 Sets
100 Trays And Frames
110 Extension Poles
72 Paint Sprayers
72 Paint Sprayers
010 Airless
030 Spray Paint Can Handles
040 Cup Gun Accessories
050 Wood Treatment Sprayer
070 Airless Spray Accessories
080 Air Spray Gun
090 Traffic MArking Machines
74 Paint & Sundries [Taxable]
74 Paint & Sundries [Taxable]
010 POP Display/Materials
87 Exterior Stains
87 Exterior Stains
010 Latex [Non-Silicone]
020 Oil- Solid
030 Oil- Semi Trans
040 Wood Preservative
050 Bases
88 Power Washers
88 Power Washers
050 Chemicals
060 Accessories
89 Home Craft Supplies
89 Home Craft Supplies
010 Art Brushes
040 Hobby Paints/Glazes
060 Art Stencils/Decal
080 Air Brushes
090 Faux Finish Tools
91 Wallpaper & Accessories
91 Wallpaper & Accessories
030 Pastes
060 Removers
080 Corner Guards
110 Wallpaper Accessories
130 Borders
135 Wallpaper
601 Scissors
791 Contact/Laminate Paper
792 Shelf Paper/Liner
92 Marine Products
92 Marine Products
010 Topside Paints
070 Primers
100 Glues & Resins
93 Paint Pads
93 Paint Pads
010 Exterior
020 Interior
94 Wood preservatives
94 Wood preservatives
010 Above Ground
030 Above/Below Ground
95 Paint Additives
95 Paint Additives
010 Mildew
040 Slip Resistant
050 Texture
070 Paint Conditioner/Hardener
97 Enamels
97 Enamels
040 Rust Preventative
070 Touch Up
080 Heat Resistant
98 Primer
98 Primer
020 Interior Primer
060 Interior/Exterior Primer
99 Specialty Paints
99 Specialty Paints
010 Farm & Implement
020 Coatings
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
00 Handsaws/Repl Parts
00 Handsaws/Repl Parts
010 Compass/Keyhole Saws
020 Coping Saws
030 Hacksaws
040 Handsaws
050 Specialty Saws
01 Mitre Boxes/Accs
01 Mitre Boxes/Accs
010 Mitre Boxes
03 Repl Handsaw Blades
03 Repl Handsaw Blades
010 Hacksaw Blades
020 Coping Saw Blades
030 Compass/Keyhole Saw Blades
040 Specialty Saw Blades
05 Power Saw Blades
05 Power Saw Blades
010 Steel Circular Saw Blades
020 Jigsaw Blades
030 Jigsaw Blade Sets
040 Recip Saw Blades
050 Bandsaw Blades
060 Power Blade Accs
070 Diamond Saw Blades
080 Carbide Tipped Saw Blades
090 Abrasive Cutting Blades
100 Scroll Saw Blades
06 Holesaws/Holecutters
06 Holesaws/Holecutters
010 Holesaws
020 Arbors/Pilots/Mandrels
030 Holesaw Sets
040 Doorlock Install Kits
07 Hammers/Hatchets
07 Hammers/Hatchets
010 Fiberglass Claw/Rip
020 Wood Claw/Rip
030 Tubular Steel Claw/Rip
040 Solid Steel Claw/Rip
050 Ball Pein
080 Tack
100 Specialty Hammers
110 Mallets
120 Hatchets
130 Hammer/Hatchet Accs
09 Handles
09 Handles
030 Specialty Handles/Wedges
11 Fastening Tools
11 Fastening Tools
010 Staplers
020 Rivet Tools
030 Glue Guns
040 Stitching Kits\Accs
050 Brad Nailers
12 Staples/Rivets/Glue
12 Staples/Rivets/Glue
010 Rivets/Back-Up Plates
020 Hot Melt Adhesive
030 Staples
033 ** SKU Conversion **
040 Nail Pins
13 Punches/Grommets/Accs
13 Punches/Grommets/Accs
010 Leather Punches
020 Grommet Tools
030 Grommets
14 Levels
14 Levels
010 Aluminum
020 Torpedo
030 Mahogany
040 Poly Cast
050 Laser/Specialty
15 Squares/Bevels/Protractor
15 Squares/Bevels/Protractor
010 Framing Squares
020 Tri-Squares
030 Combination Squares
040 T-Squares
050 Layout Tools
060 Bevels
070 Protractor
16 Wood Planes/Scrapers
16 Wood Planes/Scrapers
010 Wood Planes
040 Surforms
19 Utility Knoves/Blades
19 Utility Knoves/Blades
010 Utility Knives
020 Replacement Blades
030 Hobby Knives
20 Screwdrivers
20 Screwdrivers
010 Screwdrivers
020 Screwdriver Sets
030 Nut Drivers
050 Torx Screwdrivers
060 Multi-Bit Drivers
090 Ratcheing Screwdrivers
110 Jewelers Screwdrivers
130 Specialty Screwdrivers/Bits
21 Pneumatic Tools
21 Pneumatic Tools
020 Pneumatic Tools
030 Pneumatic Accessories
010 Staplers & Nailers
22 Hand/Push/Brace Drills
22 Hand/Push/Brace Drills
030 Bits f/Hand Powered Drills
23 Self Feed/Extension Bits
23 Self Feed/Extension Bits
010 Auger Bits
020 Expansion Bits
030 Bradpoint Drill Bits
040 Forstener Bits
050 Powerbore Bits
060 Circle Cutters
070 Bit Extensions
24 Doweling Jigs/Accs
24 Doweling Jigs/Accs
010 Doweling Jigs
020 Specialty Doweling Accs
030 Plug Cutters
25 Screwdriving Bits/Accs
25 Screwdriving Bits/Accs
010 1" Insert Bits
020 Power Nutsetters
030 Bit & Nutsetter Accs Sets
040 Power Screwdriving Accs
050 2"-6" Power Bits
26 Nail Sets/Awls/Accs
26 Nail Sets/Awls/Accs
010 Nail Sets
020 Awls
030 Countersinks
040 Automatic Center Punches
060 Scribers
29 Marking Tools/Tapes
29 Marking Tools/Tapes
010 Carpenter Pencils/Crayons
020 Flagging Tap/Flags
040 Stud Sensors
070 Butt Markers
080 Stencils/Stamps
090 Specialty Marking Tools
30 Chalk Lines/Accessories
30 Chalk Lines/Accessories
010 Chalk Lines
020 Chalk Line Accs
31 Plumb Bobs
31 Plumb Bobs
010 All Plumb Bobs
32 Measuring Tools/Refills
32 Measuring Tools/Refills
010 Tape Rules
030 Folding Rules
040 Electronic Measurers
050 Straight Edge Rules
060 Long Tapes
070 Whelled Measures
33 Precision Tools
33 Precision Tools
010 Precision Measuring
030 Guages
050 Magnets/Magnet Tools
060 Specialty Tools
35 Safety Equipment
35 Safety Equipment
010 Eye Protection
020 Ear Protection
030 Head Protection
040 Respirators
050 Specialty Equipment
36 Decking/Roofing Fasteners
36 Decking/Roofing Fasteners
010 Pneumatic Staples
020 Pneumatic Nails
030 Specialty Fasteners
37 Tool Holders/Accessories
37 Tool Holders/Accessories
010 Construction/Work Aprons
020 Tool/Nail Bags
030 Tool Holders/Pouches
040 Canvas Aprons
060 Belts & Suspenders
070 Knee Pads
080 Specialty Holders/Protectors
39 Wire Wheels/Buffs
39 Wire Wheels/Buffs
010 Wire Wheels
020 Nylon Wheels
030 Buffing Compound
040 Buffing Wheels
41 Sharp Stones/Grind Wheels
41 Sharp Stones/Grind Wheels
010 Power Grinding Wheels
020 Pocket Stones/Accs
030 Grinders/Mandrils
040 Mounted Stones/Wheel Pts
42 Cement/Drywall/Tile Tools
42 Cement/Drywall/Tile Tools
010 Cement Trowels
020 Floats
030 Specialty Cement Tools
040 Drywall Trowels
050 Hand/Pole Sanders
060 Taping Knives/Tools
070 Specialty Drywall Tools
080 Tiling Trowels/Spreaders
090 Specialty Tiling Tools
100 Masonry/Drywall Accs
43 Pneumatic Accessories
43 Pneumatic Accessories
040 Pneumatic Oil
44 Files/Accs
44 Files/Accs
020 Hand Files
050 Rotary Rasps/Files
070 Specialty Files/Sets
080 File Handles/Accs
100 Hand Rasps
45 Punches/Chisels
45 Punches/Chisels
010 Star Drills
020 Brick Set
030 Punches
040 Masonry Chisels
050 Wood Chisels
060 Specialty Chisels
46 Dies/Reamers/Extractors
46 Dies/Reamers/Extractors
010 Taps
020 Dies
030 Specialty Tap/Die Accs
040 Screw Extractors/Sets
050 Tap/Die Sets
47 Router Bits
47 Router Bits
010 Router Bits/Sets
020 Accessories
50 Plumbing Tools
50 Plumbing Tools
010 Pipe & Tubing Cutters
020 Specialty Pipe/Tube Tools
050 Thread Cutting Oil
51 Power Drill Bit Sets
51 Power Drill Bit Sets
010 HSS Bit Sets
020 Masonry/Glass Bit Sets
030 Cobalt Bit Sets
040 Titanium Bit Sets
060 Specialty Bit Sets
070 Drill Bit Indexes
52 Power Drill Bits
52 Power Drill Bits
010 High Speed steel Bits
020 Masonry/Glass Bits
030 Colbalt Bits
040 Titanium Bits
050 Wire Gage Bits
060 Specialty Bits
53 Pliers
53 Pliers
010 Solid Joint Pliers
020 Slip/Groove Joint Pliers
030 Locking Pliers
040 Sets
050 Multi-Tools
56 Wrenches
56 Wrenches
010 Adjustable Wrenches
020 Flat Wrenches
030 Hex Keys
040 Pipe Wrenches
050 Specialty Wrenches
58 Sockets & Accessories
58 Sockets & Accessories
010 1/4" DR Sockets/Accs
020 3/8" DR Sockets/Accs
030 1/2" DR Sockets/Accs
050 Socket/Wrench Sets
060 Specialty Sockets
070 Pneumatic Sockets
64 Snips/Bolt Cutters/HVAV
64 Snips/Bolt Cutters/HVAV
010 Snips
020 All Purpose Shears
030 Bolt Cutters
040 Specialty Cutters
060 Crimper/HVAC Tools
66 Propane Kits/Fuel/Accs
66 Propane Kits/Fuel/Accs
010 Propane Kits
020 Propane Fuel
030 Propane Accs
040 MAPP Gas/Accs
050 Brazing Kits/Accs
68 Welders/Accessories
68 Welders/Accessories
020 Welding Accessories
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
70 Soldering Products
70 Soldering Products
010 Irons
020 Guns
030 Tips
71 Solder
71 Solder
010 Solder
74 Oilers
74 Oilers
010 Oilers
75 Clamps
75 Clamps
010 C-Clamps
020 Pipe Clamps
030 Bar Clamps
040 Spring Clamps
060 Specialty Clamp/Accs
76 Workbenches/Legs/Brackets
76 Workbenches/Legs/Brackets
020 Legs/Sawhorse Brackets
030 Sawhorses/Workmates
050 Workbenches
77 Vises
77 Vises
010 Heavy-Duty
020 Utility
78 Tool Boxes
78 Tool Boxes
010 Plastic
020 Metal
030 Chests/Rollers Cabinets
040 Specialty Tool Boxes
79 Parts Bins & Holders
79 Parts Bins & Holders
010 Parts Cabinets/Bins
020 Tool Holders
030 Specialty Boxes
80 Wrecking Bars/Pullers
80 Wrecking Bars/Pullers
010 Wrecking Bars
020 Utility/Pry Bars
040 Nail Pullers
83 Stationary/Benchtop Tools
83 Stationary/Benchtop Tools
010 Stationary
020 Benchtops
84 Dust Collection
84 Dust Collection
010 Wet/Dry Vacs
020 Wet/Dry Vac Accs
85 Consumer Power Tools
85 Consumer Power Tools
010 Corded Drills
020 Circular Saws
030 Sanders
050 Grinders/Mandrils
070 Screwdrivers
090 Polishers
100 Jig/Reciprocating Saws
110 Heat Guns & Accessories
120 Specialty Power Tools
130 Cordless Drills
140 Multi-Tool Kits
86 Heavy-Duty Power Tools
86 Heavy-Duty Power Tools
010 Corded Drills
020 Saws
030 Sanders
040 Impact Wrenches
050 Grinders/Mandrils
060 Planers
070 Screwdrivers
080 Routers
100 Jig/Reciprocating Saws
120 Specialty Heavy Duty
130 Cordless Drills
140 Multi-Kits
87 Power Tool Accessories
87 Power Tool Accessories
010 Drill Accessories
020 Saw Accessories
030 Specialty Accessories
040 Power Sanding Accessories
050 Tool Batteries/Chargers
89 Compressors
89 Compressors
030 Tank Compressors
040 Accessories
91 Hobby/Craft Tools
91 Hobby/Craft Tools
010 Hand-Held
030 Accessories
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
64 Fluorescent Light Bulbs
64 Fluorescent Light Bulbs
010 Bi-Pin
020 Single Pin
030 Appliance
040 Specialty
050 Compact
65 Security Light Bulbs
65 Security Light Bulbs
010 Mercury Vapor
040 Metal Halide
66 LED Light Bulbs
66 LED Light Bulbs
010 Decorative - LED
020 Reflector - LED
030 Globe - LED
040 A-Line - LED
050 Linear - LED
060 Vintage - LED
070 Specialty - LED
090 Smart - LED
100 Advanced Bulbs - LED
00 Flashlights
00 Flashlights
020 LED
040 Rechargeable
060 Head Mounted Light
090 Closeout Flashlights
01 Lanterns
01 Lanterns
010 Standard
030 Camping/Outdoor
040 Closeout Lanterns
02 Battery Oper Spec Lights
02 Battery Oper Spec Lights
010 Closet
020 Desaster/Emergency
05 Batteries
05 Batteries
020 Alkaline
030 Rechargeable
040 Photo
050 Lantern/Farm
060 Watch/Calculator
070 Hearing Aid
06 Battery Chargers
06 Battery Chargers
020 Battery Chargers
07 Cord Sets
07 Cord Sets
010 Indoor Extension Cords
030 Clamp and String Lights
040 Exterior Extension Cords
050 Power Center Extensions
060 Appliance
070 Replacement
080 Mobile Home/RVF & Marine
110 Cord Reels
120 Generator Cords
130 C/I Contractor GFCI Cords
09 Heat Cable
09 Heat Cable
010 Heat Tape
10 Wire [By the Foot]
10 Wire [By the Foot]
020 Thermostat/Bell Speaker
030 Non-Metallic Indoor Wire
070 THW/THWN/THHN Standed Wire
090 Indoor Cord
100 Outdoor Cord
120 Bare Copper
11 Wire [Box Roll or Coil]
11 Wire [Box Roll or Coil]
020 Thermostat/Bell Speaker
060 TWH/THWN/THHN Solid Wire
070 THW/THWN/THHN Stranded Wire
120 Bare Copper
100 Primary Wire
090 Indoor Cord
010 Metal Coiled Wire
030 Non-Metallic Indoor Wire
040 Underground Feeder Outdoor
12 Conduit
12 Conduit
010 Thin Wall Metal
020 Intermediate Metal
040 Flexible Metal
070 Liquid Tite Flex PVC
080 PVC Rigid
090 AC/Fixture Whips
100 Power Struts
110 Power Strut Accessories
13 Electrical Boxes/Covers
13 Electrical Boxes/Covers
010 PVC Boxes/Covers
020 Steel Boxes/Covers
030 Fiberglass Boxes/Covers
040 Metal Weatherproof Boxes/Cover
050 PVC Weatherproof Boxes/Covers
060 Specialty Boxes/Covers
070 Low Volt Electrical Boxes
090 Ceiling Fan Boxes/Supports
100 Box/Cover Accessories
14 Electrical Fittings
14 Electrical Fittings
010 Electrical Metal Conduit
020 BX[Armored Cable] Fitting
030 Flexible Metallic Fitting
040 Grounding Fitting
050 Liquid Tight Flexible Metal
060 Liquid Tite Flexible PVC
070 Specialty Fittings
080 Non-Metallic Cable Fitting
090 Metal Service Entrance Fitting
100 PVC Sch 40/80 Fittings
110 PVC Quick Connect Fitting
120 PVC Service Entrance Head/Fit
15 Grounding Rods
15 Grounding Rods
010 Grounding Rods
16 Straps/Staples/Connectors
16 Straps/Staples/Connectors
010 Straps
020 Hangers
030 Ties/Flex Tubing
040 Staples
050 Wire Connectors
060 Heat Shrink
070 Specialty Electrical
18 Surface Wire Carry System
18 Surface Wire Carry System
010 Floor Wire Carry System
020 Metal Wire Carry System
030 Surface Wire System Acc
040 Plastic Wire Carry System
19 Timers
19 Timers
010 Cordless
020 Corded
040 Mechanical
24 Receptacles/Outlets
24 Receptacles/Outlets
050 Bulk Receptacles
060 Boxed/Carded Receptacles
070 Specialty Receptacles
080 Safety
090 Commercial/Industrial
100 Twist/Lock Receptacles
110 Decorator Receptacles
25 Switches
25 Switches
010 Remote Switches/Receivers
030 Carded Toggle Switches
040 Bulk Toggle Switches
050 Fused Outlet Box Systems
060 Toggle Dimmer Switches
070 Rotary Dimmer Switches
080 Toggle Fan Control Switch
090 Rotary Fan Control Switch
100 Specialty Switches
110 Feed Through Switches
120 Spec Purpose Combo Switch
130 Touch Control Dimmers
140 Photoelectric Switches
150 Decorator Switches
170 Slide Dimmer Switches
180 Timer Switches
220 Infrared Switches
230 Commercial/Industrial
26 Plugs/Caps/Connectors
26 Plugs/Caps/Connectors
010 RV Park/Marine Equipment
020 Split Bolt Connector
040 Solderless Lugs
050 Blade Plug/Caps/Conn
060 Turnlok Plugs/Caps/Conn
070 Adapters
080 Appliance Plugs
090 Saftey
100 Commercial/Industrial
27 Multiple Outlet Devices
27 Multiple Outlet Devices
010 Plug-In
020 Strip
030 Surge Suppression
33 Wall Plates
33 Wall Plates
010 Carded Metal
020 Bulk Metal
030 Carded Plastic
040 Bulk Plastic
080 Wall Plate Screws
100 Commercial/Industrial
35 Sockets/Lampholders
35 Sockets/Lampholders
010 Consumer Sockets/Holders
36 Night Lights
36 Night Lights
010 Manual On/Off
020 Photocell
38 Computer Accessories
38 Computer Accessories
010 Cables
040 Accessories
39 Category 5 Accessories
39 Category 5 Accessories
010 Category 5 Accessories
40 Television Antennas
40 Television Antennas
010 Indoor
020 Outdoor
41 Audio/Video Accessories
41 Audio/Video Accessories
010 Antenna Outdoor/Indoor
020 Audio Cables
030 Video Cables
040 Video Accessories
050 Audio Accessories
060 Speaker Wire & Speakers
42 Fluorescent Fixture Accessory
42 Fluorescent Fixture Accessory
010 Ballasts
020 Starters
030 Lampholders
589 Lens Covers
43 Replacement Lamp Parts
43 Replacement Lamp Parts
010 Hardware
020 Electrical
45 Electrical Tape
45 Electrical Tape
010 Carded
020 Bulk
030 Liquid
040 Specialty/Contractor
48 Electrical Tool/Testers
48 Electrical Tool/Testers
010 Tools
020 Testers/Tester Fuses
030 Specialty Tool Acces
040 Bulb Changers
49 Fuses
49 Fuses
010 Plugs
020 Cartrdges
030 Appliance/ Computer
52 Circuit Protection Devices
52 Circuit Protection Devices
010 Bulk Circuit Breaker Interchg
020 Carded Circuit Breaker Intercg
030 Bulk Circuit Breaker Non-Chg
040 Carded Circuit Breaker Non-Chg
050 Main Breaker Load Centers
060 Main Lug Load Center
070 Specialty Panels
080 Load Center Accessories
090 Saftey Switches
120 Meter Sockets
130 Utility Poles
54 Chimes and Accessories
54 Chimes and Accessories
010 Chimes/Intercom
020 Door Buttons
030 Transformers
070 Wireless
55 Generators
55 Generators
010 Generator Accessories
020 Portable Generators
030 Stand-by Generators
56 Recessed Lighting
56 Recessed Lighting
010 Recessed Housings and Accessories
020 LED Retrofit
030 LED Surface Mount
040 LED Direct Mount
050 Interior Decor
63 Incandescent Light Bulbs
63 Incandescent Light Bulbs
010 A-Line
020 Reflector
030 Globe
040 Decorative
050 Tubular
060 Specialty
080 Quartz/Halogen
090 Closeout DOE Bulbs
69 Phone Accessories
69 Phone Accessories
010 Line/Round/Coil Cords
030 Wallplates/Jacks
040 Accessories
71 Terminals & Clips
71 Terminals & Clips
010 Terminals
020 Bulk Terminals
030 Clips/Connectors
73 Outdoor Area Lighting
73 Outdoor Area Lighting
010 Commercial Lighting
030 Metal Halide Fixtures
050 Quartz Lighting
060 Motion Activated Lighting
070 Dawn To Dusk Lighting
080 Weatherproof/Vaporproof
100 Incandescent Area
76 Portable Work Lighting
76 Portable Work Lighting
010 Work Lights
020 Trouble Lights
030 Clamp And Brooder Lamps
040 LED Under Cabinet
A6 Specialty Electronics
A6 Specialty Electronics
020 Security Systems & Accessories
44 Ceiling Fans & Accessories
44 Ceiling Fans & Accessories
010 Ceiling Fans
020 Light Kits
030 Accessories
040 Ceiling Rosettes
56 Decorative Light Fixtures
56 Decorative Light Fixtures
010 Interior Decorative
020 Exterior Decorative
030 Weather Proof Lighting
060 Track And Pendant
070 Recessed Lighting
080 Rope Lighting & Accs
090 Lamp Post & Accessories
58 Replacement Glass
58 Replacement Glass
020 Replacement Lamp Glass
59 Functional Indoor
59 Functional Indoor
040 Lampshades
72 Fluor/LED Light Fixture
72 Fluor/LED Light Fixture
010 Indoor Fixtures
050 Shoplight
020 Strip Light
74 Lawn & Garden Lighting
74 Lawn & Garden Lighting
010 Low Voltage
050 Solar
070 Line Voltage Lawn & Garden
080 Solar & Low Voltage Accs
75 Under Cabinet Lighting
75 Under Cabinet Lighting
010 Fluorescent
040 LED
SO Shrink
SO Shrink
050 ** SKU Conversion **
01 Faucet Parts
01 Faucet Parts
010 Stems
020 Seats
030 Aerators/Adapters
040 Faucet Handles/Adapters
050 Kits
060 Screws
070 Accessories
02 Valves [Except Rough Brass]
02 Valves [Except Rough Brass]
010 Metal Ball Valves
030 Metal Gate Valves
040 Stop/Stop & Waste Valves
050 Check & Swing Check
060 Thermostatic Mixing Valve
110 Gas Valves & Gas Cocks
120 Water & Air Regulators
160 Vacum Breakers
170 Valve Parts & Handles
180 Plastic Ball Valves
200 Plastic Stop/ Sewer & Waste
04 Washers/O-Rings/Packing
04 Washers/O-Rings/Packing
010 Flat
020 Beveled
030 O-Ring
040 Assortment Packs
050 Cone Washers
060 Slip Joint Washers
070 Packing/Fiber/Gasket
05 Water Filtration
05 Water Filtration
010 Water Filters
020 Replacement Cartridges
040 Water Test Kits
06 Whole House Filtration
06 Tubular Products
06 Tubular Products
010 Brass
020 Plastic
030 Basket Stainer Assembly
040 Pop-Ups And Accessories
050 ** SKU Conversion **
07 Water Supply Lines
07 Water Supply Lines
010 Brass/Copper
030 PVC Flexible Supply Lines
040 Stainless Steel Braided
050 Fitting/Parts/Adapters
08 Ballcocks/Flappers
08 Ballcocks/Flappers
010 Fill Valves
030 Flappers/Tank Balls/Seat Disc
040 Ballcock Repair
050 Flush Valves
060 Toilet Repair Kits
070 Lift Rods & Floats
09 Toilet Trim
09 Toilet Trim
010 Wax Gasket Rings
020 Bolts/Gaskets
030 Flush Levers
040 Toilet Seat Repair
060 Commercial Flush Valve Parts
10 Plumbing Tools
10 Plumbing Tools
010 Plumbing Tools
12 Supply Shut-Off Valves
12 Supply Shut-Off Valves
010 Brass Shut-Off Valves
16 Bath Sprays/Stoppers
16 Bath Sprays/Stoppers
020 Basin/Tub Stoppers
17 Shower Rod/Flanges
17 Shower Rod/Flanges
020 Flanges
23 Rough Faucets
23 Rough Faucets
010 Metal Sillcocks & Bibbs
020 Garden Valve & Lawn Faucet
040 Wash Machine Valves
050 Metal Boiler Drains
070 Plastic Sillcocks & Bibbs
26 Water Supply Flanges
26 Water Supply Flanges
010 Flanges
27 Thermostats & Controls
27 Thermostats & Controls
010 Thermostats
28 Thermo Couples
28 Thermo Couples
020 Furnace & Water Heater
32 Furnace Filters
32 Furnace Filters
010 Standard 1" Filters
020 Standard 2" Filters
030 High Efficiency
040 Accessories
070 3-5" Filters
33 AC & Rangehood Filters
33 AC & Rangehood Filters
010 Easy Kleen Filters
35 Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers
35 Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers
010 Air Purifiers
020 Air Purifier Filters
030 Dehumidifers
37 Heating Registers
37 Heating Registers
020 Standard Registers/Grills
040 Air Deflectors
38 Vent Pipe/Fittings
38 Vent Pipe/Fittings
070 Black Pipe & Fittings
100 Vent Caps/Roof Jacks
120 Galvanized Pipe & Fittings
130 Flexible Insulated Ducting
140 B Vent Pipe
150 Gas "B" Vent Pipe & Fittings
160 Dampers
39 Chimney Brushes
39 Chimney Brushes
010 Brush/Mechanical Cleaners
040 Chimney Cleaning Accessories
40 Sump/Utility Pumps
40 Sump/Utility Pumps
010 Sump Pumps
020 Repair Parts [Sump Pumps]
030 Utility Pumps
050 Fountain Pumps & Accessories
060 Specialty Pumps/Accessories
070 Discharge/Suction Hoses
080 Check Valves
110 Sewage/Effluent Pumps
41 Well/Sprinkler Pumps
41 Well/Sprinkler Pumps
010 Shallow Well Jet Pumps
030 Jet Assemblies
060 Pump Tanks
42 Well Supplies
42 Well Supplies
030 Check Valves
040 Foot Valves
050 Standard Pump Repair Items
060 Accessories
46 Waste Disposers/Accessories
46 Waste Disposers/Accessories
020 Waste Disposers
040 Accessories & Parts
48 Drain Cleaner Equipment
48 Drain Cleaner Equipment
010 Drain Augers
020 Drain Auger Accessories
030 Plungers/Openers
49 Pipe Joint Sealants
49 Pipe Joint Sealants
010 Pipe Putty
040 Plastic Cements/Cleaners
050 Teflon Tapes
060 Lubricants
50 Insulation
50 Insulation
010 Extruded Pipe Insul Pkg
020 Extruded Pipe Insul Bulk
030 Fiberglass Pipe Insulation
040 Insulation Tape
050 Faucet Covers
070 Water Heater Blankets
51 Chimney Cleaners
51 Chimney Cleaners
010 Chimney Sweep
030 Accessories
52 Cement/Furnace Repair
52 Cement/Furnace Repair
010 Furnace Cement
020 Fireplace Mortar
050 Gasket Cement
060 Stove Polishes/Paints
070 Sealers & Patches
54 Water Heaters
54 Water Heaters
020 Gas Energy Saving
040 Electric Energy Saving
060 Repair Parts
070 Accessories
55 Supplemental Heaters
55 Supplemental Heaters
010 Wall Furnaces
020 Kerosene Wick Heaters & Accessories
030 Utility Heaters Oil/LP
040 Utility Heater Parts & Acc
050 Gas Space Heaters & Accessories
070 Elec Baseboard/Built-In Heater
080 Electric Portable Heaters
101 Portable Electric Radiant
104 Portable Electric Ceramic
57 Cooling Fans
57 Cooling Fans
010 Evaporative Coolers
020 Pedestal Fans
030 High Velocity
040 Barrel Fans
050 Desk Top
060 Wall Mount
070 Box Fan
59 Hearth Products & Accessories
59 Hearth Products & Accessories
010 Fire Sets
020 Fire Screens/Spark Guards
030 Grates
040 Firelighters
050 Log Baskets/Holders
060 Tools
080 Log Lighters/Gas Valves
090 Hods/Ash Cans/Shovels
100 Accessories
60 Fireplaces/Stoves/Inserts
60 Fireplaces/Stoves/Inserts
010 Firelogs & Firestarters
020 Gas Logsets & Accessories
030 Wood Fireplaces/Wood&Coal Stvs
040 Fireplace & Stove Components
62 Gas/Water Connectors
62 Gas/Water Connectors
010 Bulk Pro-Coat Gas Conn
020 Water Connectors
030 Bagged Pro-Coat Gas Conn
040 Gas Conn Accessories
63 Copper Tubing
63 Copper Tubing
010 Lengths
020 Coils
030 Hook-Ups
65 Flexible Connectors
65 Flexible Connectors
010 Couplings
020 Donuts/O-Rings
030 Flex Ell/Tee/Wye/Adap
040 Accessories
66 Tubing/Airhose
66 Tubing/Airhose
020 Plastic
040 Ice Maker Kits
69 Washing Machine Hose/Accs
69 Washing Machine Hose/Accs
010 Washing Machine Hose
020 Washing Machine Boxes
030 Accessories
70 Dryer/Bath/Range Venting
70 Dryer/Bath/Range Venting
010 Vent Kits & Hoods
020 Vent Hose [Vinyl]
040 Vent Hose [Aluminum]
050 Aluminum Pipe & Fittings
060 Dryer Heat Savers/Lint Trap
070 Dryer Clamps/Accs
090 Range Ducting/Caps
72 Brass Fittings
72 Brass Fittings
010 Carded Flare Fittings
020 Carded Comp Fittings
040 Bulk Flare Fittings
050 Bulk Compression Fittings
070 Brass Insert/Thread Fittings
080 Brass Nipples
090 Red Brass Fittings
100 Carded Pipe Fittings
110 Carded Brass Insert Fittings
120 Bulk Brass Pipe Fittings
130 Push-On Fittings
73 Copper Fittings
73 Copper Fittings
010 Water Supply Fittings
75 Steel Pipe
75 Steel Pipe
010 Steel Pipe [10' & 21']
030 Cut Length Pipe 18"-72"
040 Steel Nipples [12" & Less]
050 Stainles Nipples [12" & Less]
76 Iron Pipe Fittings
76 Iron Pipe Fittings
010 Galv Iron Fittings U.S.
020 Galv Iron Fittings Import
030 Bronze/Mallable Couplings
050 Di-Electric Unions
070 Steel Insert Fittings
080 Stainless Steel Fittings
110 Black Iron Fittings Import
77 Plastic Fittings
77 Plastic Fittings
010 PVC Pressure Fittings Domestic
030 PVC DWC Fittings
040 ABS DWV Fittings
050 Styrene/PVC Sewer/Drain Fitngs
060 CPVC
070 Insert Fittings/Threaded Nylon
080 PVC/CPVC Repair Couplings
100 Corrugated Snap Fittings
110 Roof Flashing/Rain Collectio
130 PVC Sch 80 Union/Fittings
140 PVC Compression Fittings
150 PVC Check Valves/Value Boxes
160 Plastic Drain Parts
170 PVC Nipples
78 Plastic Pipe
78 Plastic Pipe
010 Pre-Cut PVC Pipe
020 PVC Pressure Pipe Sch 40
030 PVC DWV Pipe
050 PVC Sewer/Drain Pipe
070 Polyethylene Pressure Pipe
080 Poly Corrugated Drain Tubing
79 DWV Parts & Accessories
79 DWV Parts & Accessories
010 Metal Drain Parts
020 Floor Traps/Covers
030 Specialties/Access Panels
040 Closet Flanges PVC
060 Shower Drain PVC
070 Shower Drains ABS
080 Gen Purpose Drain PVC
100 Test Plugs
80 Water Softeners
80 Water Softeners
030 Softener Chemicals/Kits
81 Water Coolers/Dispensers
81 Water Coolers/Dispensers
010 Coolers/Dispensers
86 Drain/Septic Chemicals
86 Drain/Septic Chemicals
010 Crystal Drain Cleaners
020 Liquid Drain Cleaners
030 Aerosol Drain Cleaners
040 Septic Field Tablets
060 Acid Drain Cleaners
070 Bacterial Cleaners
88 Hose/Pipe Clamps/Hangers
88 Hose/Pipe Clamps/Hangers
010 Hose Clamps
020 Pipe Repair Clamps/Tape
030 Insulators/Brackets
060 Hangers & Straps
90 PEX Pipe Fittings and Accessories
90 PEX Pipe Fittings and Accessories
010 Pex Crimp Fittings Bagged
020 Pex Compression Fittings Baggd
030 Pex Push Fittings Bagged
040 Pex Crimp Fittings Bulk
050 Pex Comprssion Fittings Bulk
060 Pex Push Fittings Bulk
070 Pexlock Fittings
080 Pex Pipe & Tubing
090 Pex Manifolds
100 Pex Tools
99 Septic Tank/Accessories
99 Septic Tank/Accessories
010 Septic Tank & Accessories
SO Special Orders
SO Special Orders
0SO Special Order
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
00 Faucets
00 Faucets
010 Lavatory Faucets
020 Kitchen Faucets
030 Tub And Shower
040 Laundry And Bar
03 Tub/Shower Accessories
03 Tub/Shower Accessories
010 Wall Mount
040 Hand Held
050 Accessories
060 Tub Spouts
11 Bath Accent & Accessories
11 Bath Accent & Accessories
010 Exposed Screw Mounting
020 Concealed Screw Mounting
080 Ceramic/Plastic/Wood
100 Bath Accessories
14 Vanities/Marble Tops
14 Vanities/Marble Tops
010 Marble Tops
015 Stone Tops
020 KD Vanities
030 Assembled Vanities
040 Base & Top Combinations
15 Safety Rail/Lavatory Leg
15 Safety Rail/Lavatory Leg
010 Safety Rails
16 Handicap Accessories
16 Handicap Accessories
011 Grab Bars/Seats/Etc
17 Shower Rod/Flanges
17 Shower Rod/Flanges
010 Shower rods
18 Shower Curtains
18 Shower Curtains
010 Shower Liners/Cutains
040 Rings & Accessories
19 Toilet Seats
19 Toilet Seats
010 Wood
020 Plastic
030 Padded/Embroidered
040 Commercial
20 Medicine Cabinets/Lights
20 Medicine Cabinets/Lights
010 Med Cabinets/Light Bars
40 Kitchen/Bar Sinks
40 Kitchen/Bar Sinks
010 Stainless Steel
030 Composite
040 Accessories
41 Lavatories
41 Lavatories
010 China Lavatories
011 Pedestal Lavatory Combos
020 Enameled Steel Lavatories
050 Laundry Tubs
42 Toilets
42 Toilets
010 Tanks
020 Bowls
030 Kits
44 Sinks/Tubs/Lavatories
44 Sinks/Tubs/Lavatories
030 ** SKU Conversion **
040 ** SKU Conversion **
070 Bath Drains/Accessories
080 Sink Lavatory Frames
61 Ventilation & Heaters
61 Ventilation & Heaters
040 Bath Fans Vent/Heaters
66 Tubs
66 Tubs
020 Acrylic
030 Fiberglass
67 Tub/Shower Wall Surrounds
67 Tub/Shower Wall Surrounds
010 Tub/Shower Walls
015 Tub Wall
020 Bath/Shower Doors
040 Shower Stalls
050 Shower Stall Bases
060 Tub/Shower Enclosures
75 Bathroom Accessories
75 Bathroom Accessories
020 Vanity Wastebaskets
030 Bath Mats/Appliques
040 Toilet Brushes
050 Space Savers/Organizers
060 Bath Accessories
78 Household Mirrors
78 Household Mirrors
010 Wall Mirrors
020 Standing Mirror
030 Door Mirrors
01 In Stock Cabinets
01 In Stock Cabinets
010 Luxor Assembled
080 Glenwood
090 Chadwood
100 Unfinished
040 Maddie
020 Luxor Unassembled
02 In Stock Countertops
02 In Stock Countertops
010 Post Form Countertops
020 Sheet Laminate
030 Wood tops
040 Accessories
03 Miscellaneous
03 Miscellaneous
010 Adhesives
SO Special Orders
SO Special Orders
020 Countertops tax exempt
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
85 Closet Storage/Organization
85 Closet Storage/Organization
020 Metal/Wooden Hangers
050 Plastic Storage Box
070 Closet Shelving
080 Closet Shelving Accessories
090 Pole Sockets
100 Closet Sockets
110 Adjustable Tension Rods
120 Closet Storage
130 Closet Storage Systems
140 Closet Kits
86 Kitchen/Household Storage
86 Kitchen/Household Storage
080 Basement/Garage Storage
110 Misc Storage
87 Shelves/Standards/Brackets
87 Shelves/Standards/Brackets
010 Shelf/Rod Brackets
020 utility Shelf Brackets
030 Decorative Shelf Brackets
040 Standard/Brackets/Accessories
070 Plastic Laminated Wood Shelves/Acc
080 Shelf Anchors
88 Storage Shelving Units
88 Storage Shelving Units
040 Metal Storage Units
050 Plastic Storage Units
090 HR Cabinet Organizer
89 Storage & Organization
89 Storage & Organization
040 Home Trash Containers
060 Specialty Kitchen Plastics
070 Storage/Drawer Organizer
090 Storage Totes
100 Specialty Storage
90 Packaging
90 Packaging
010 Boxes
060 Closeout Products
01 Keyed Auxiliary Locks
01 Keyed Auxiliary Locks
020 Deadlocks/Night Latches
02 Door Locks
02 Door Locks
010 Entry
020 Passage
030 Privacy
040 Mortise Locks
050 Deadbolts
060 Combination Packs
070 Handlesets
080 Lock Reinforcement Hardware
090 Exit Devices
100 Electronic Locks
110 Prosource
03 Lock Access/Parts
03 Lock Access/Parts
010 Replacement Parts
020 Trim/Modernization kit
04 Garage Door Hardware
04 Garage Door Hardware
010 Springs
020 Replacement Parts
050 Garage Door Grease
05 Garage Door Operators
05 Garage Door Operators
010 Operators
020 Transmitters
030 Accessories
06 Tarps/Straps
06 Tarps/Straps
010 Poly Tarps
030 Rubber Tarp Straps
040 Tie Downs
050 Anchors/Cargo Nets
07 Padlocks
07 Padlocks
010 Laminated Steel/Brass
020 Solid Steel/Aluminum
030 Laminated Warded/Stee
040 Solid Brass
050 Combination/Resettable
060 Commercial/Professional
070 Weatherproof
080 Recreational/Bicycle
090 Luggage Locks
08 Chain/Cable Locks
08 Chain/Cable Locks
010 All Chain/Cable Securing
09 Handrail/Flag/Bed Bracket
09 Handrail/Flag/Bed Bracket
010 Flag/Handrail Brackets
020 Bed Supports
OH Hillman
OH Hillman
010 Hillman Fasteners
005-HX CP G2 USS
006-HX CP G5 USS & SAE
007-HX G8 CP USS & SAE
090-PKG-25LB & 10LB ITEMS
191-Pic Hanging NT&B
10 Keys
10 Keys
040 High Security Auto
11 Key Rings/Accessories
11 Key Rings/Accessories
010 Key Rings
020 Bucket Program
030 Key Holders
12 Cabinet Locks
12 Cabinet Locks
010 Drawer
020 Cabinet
13 Window Hardware
13 Window Hardware
010 Lifts & Pulls
020 Locks
030 Casement/Jalousie Hardware
070 Specialty Hardware
14 Screen/Storm Hardware
14 Screen/Storm Hardware
010 Latches
020 Closers
030 Door Grills
040 Springs
050 Spring Hinges
060 Turnbuckles
070 Parts & Accessories
15 Home/Personal Security
15 Home/Personal Security
010 Smoke Detectors
020 Fire Extinguishers
030 Home Security System Acc
040 Safety Test Kits
050 Child Safety
060 Specialty Security/Safety
070 Safety Gates
080 Carbon Monoxide Detectors
090 Combo Smoke/CO Detectors
100 Fire Proof Safes
16 Door Hardware
16 Door Hardware
010 Patio Door
020 Barn Door
030 Hasps
040 Knockers
050 Kickplates
060 Bolts
070 Closers
080 Viewers
090 Stops
100 Holders
110 Pulls/Pushplates
120 Locks
130 Chain Door Guards
140 Specialty Door Hardware
17 Cabinet Hardware
17 Cabinet Hardware
010 Knobs
020 Pulls/Pushplates
030 Backplates
040 Drawer Slides/Rollers
050 Catches & Latches
060 Packs
070 Hinges
080 Lazy Susan Bearings
090 Installation Kits
18 Luggage/Case/Craft Hardware
18 Luggage/Case/Craft Hardware
010 Catches/Pulls/Hasps
050 Supports & Brakets
19 Hinges
19 Hinges
010 Residential/Butt
020 Broad
030 Light Narrow/Utility
040 Strap & Tee
050 Shutter
060 Continuous/Piano
070 Screw Hooks/Strap Hinges
080 Ornamental/Decorative
100 Springs
110 Specialty
20 Hooks [Closet/Garment]
20 Hooks [Closet/Garment]
010 Closet/Garment
020 Command Products 3M
030 Hook Adhesive & Stick-ons
24 Gate Hardware
24 Gate Hardware
010 Latches
030 Springs
040 Hinges
050 Cane Bolts
060 Accessories
25 Velcro
25 Velcro
010 Velcro
28 Rope
28 Rope
010 Packaged Clothes Line
020 Packaged Chalk Line
030 Packaged Twine & String
040 Bulk synthetic Filament Rope
050 Packaged Synthetic Fil Rope
060 Packaged Natural Fil Rope
070 Bulk Starter Cord/Tiller Cable
080 Packaged Sash/Blind/Drape Cord
090 Bulk Natural Filament Rope
100 Splicing Fids/Rope Clamps
30 Picture Hangers
30 Picture Hangers
010 Mirror/Picture Hangers
050 Plate Hangers/Stands
31 Mailboxes/Weathervanes
31 Mailboxes/Weathervanes
010 Rural Type Mailboxes
020 House Mounted Mailboxes
030 Mial Posts
080 Mailbox Accessories
32 Bi-Pass/Bi-Fold Door Hardware
32 Bi-Pass/Bi-Fold Door Hardware
010 Sets
020 Replacement Hardware
33 Signs
33 Signs
010 Aluminum Signs
020 Plastic Signs
030 Sign Accessories
34 Letters & Numbers
34 Letters & Numbers
010 Solid Brass [Nail-On]
030 Metal [Nail-Ons]
050 Stick-On
060 Address Kits
35 Reinforcement Hardware
35 Reinforcement Hardware
010 Mending Plates
020 Flat Corner Irons
030 Corner Braces
36 Table Legs
36 Table Legs
010 All Table Legs
020 Table Making Accessories
37 Casters/Glides
37 Casters/Glides
010 Industrial/Truck
020 Appliance Rollers/Dolleys
030 Office Chair
040 Glides
050 Bed Casters
060 Ball Casters
070 Utility Casters
080 Special Casters/Accessories
40 Floor Protection
40 Floor Protection
010 Carpet Cups
020 Chair Leg Tips
030 Furniture Tips
040 Self Stick Protectors
050 Bumbers
060 Specialty
42 Weatherstrip
42 Weatherstrip
010 Door/Window Weatherstrip
030 Gargae Door Weatherstrip
040 Turbine Covers
050 Air Conditioner Covers
46 Screen/Window Repair Parts
46 Screen/Window Repair Parts
010 Bulk [Backroom]
020 Packaged [Retail]
030 Kits
48 Metal Extrucsion /Wood Strips
48 Metal Extrucsion /Wood Strips
010 Metal Sheets
020 Alum Angles/Bars/Tubes
030 Carpet Bars/Nosings
040 Thresholds
50 Wire-Coil
50 Wire-Coil
010 Plastic Coated
020 Stovepipe/Weaving/Mech
050 Rebar Tie Wire
52 Pulleys/Cleats
52 Pulleys/Cleats
010 Awnings
030 Rope Cleats
53 Threaded Wire/Peg Hood-Card
53 Threaded Wire/Peg Hood-Card
010 Hooks
030 Screw Eyes
080 Vinyl Coated
100 Peg Hooks
54 Threaded Wire/PegHook-Box
54 Threaded Wire/PegHook-Box
010 Hooks
020 Eyebolts
030 Screw Eyes
040 U-Bolts
050 J-Bolts
060 Lag Eyebolts
070 Turnbuckles
100 Peg Hooks
58 Tractor Linkage
58 Tractor Linkage
010 Hitch Pins
60 Anchors-Carded
60 Anchors-Carded
010 Hollow Wall
030 Powder Drive Tool
040 Powder Drive Pins/Loads
61 Anchors-Boxed
61 Anchors-Boxed
020 Masonry
62 Specialty Fasteners
62 Specialty Fasteners
030 Threaded Inserts/Wood
070 Springs
080 Accessories
66 Nuts-Boxed
66 Nuts-Boxed
080 Specialty Nuts
67 Chain/Cable Fittings
67 Chain/Cable Fittings
010 Snaps/Rings
020 Repair/Connecting Links
030 Cold Shuts
040 Slip/Clevis Hooks
050 Specialty Fittings
060 Wire Rope Clips
070 Wire Rope Thinbles
69 Log & Tow Chain/Accs
69 Log & Tow Chain/Accs
020 Hoists/Pullers
010 Load Binders
030 Clevises
70 Chain & Cable
70 Chain & Cable
010 Decorative Chain
020 Proof Coil Chain
030 Plastic Chain & Accs
040 Tenso Chain
050 Aircraft Cable
060 Specialty Chain
71 Thrd Mtl Angle/Flats/Rods
71 Thrd Mtl Angle/Flats/Rods
010 Steel Angle
020 Steel Flats
030 Brass Rods
040 Coupling Nuts
050 Key Stock
060 Steel Rods
72 Wood Dowels
72 Wood Dowels
010 All Dowels
74 Package Nails
74 Package Nails
050 Panel Nails
010 Aluminum Nails
020 Concrete/Masonry
030 1LB/5LB Nails & Staples
035 1LB/5LB Screws
060 Stainless Steel Nails
75 Scrren Cloth/Shade Products
75 Scrren Cloth/Shade Products
010 Fiberglass [Bulk]
020 Aluminum Screen [Bulk]
030 Fiberglass [Mini Rolls]
040 Aluminum [Mini Rolls]
050 Sunscreen
060 Tinted Film
76 Drywall/Deck/Ext Screws
76 Drywall/Deck/Ext Screws
010 Carded
79 Small Screws-Carded
79 Small Screws-Carded
010 Steel Wood
80 Bolts-Boxed
80 Bolts-Boxed
070 Lag
84 Metal Framing Connectors
84 Metal Framing Connectors
010 Metal connectors
020 Connector Accessories
030 Triple Zinc Connectors
040 ACQ Treated Accessories
050 Mitek Connectors
91 Decorator Products
91 Decorator Products
020 Rolled Cork
030 Mirror Tile/Accessories
050 Shelf Edging/Wood Veneer
92 Fiberglass Panels/Accs
92 Fiberglass Panels/Accs
010 Fiberglass Panel Accs
95 Turned Lumber Products
95 Turned Lumber Products
060 Decorative Trim
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
Eunice PG3
01 Pet Supplies
01 Pet Supplies
010 Dog Toys
020 Dog Training & Electronic Containment
030 Dog Accessories
040 Dog Food
050 Cat Toys
060 Cat Accessories
070 Cat Food
080 Pet Crates Carriers & Kennels
090 Pet Doors
100 Pet Beds & Houses
110 Pet Flea & Tick Products
120 Pet Remedies & Medications
130 Pet Odor & Stain Removers
150 Small Animal Accessories
03 Buckets Tubs Tanks Storage
03 Buckets Tubs Tanks Storage
010 Galvanized Buckets
020 Galvanized Tubs
030 Stainless Buckets
040 Plastic & Rubber Buckets
070 Stock Tanks
080 Empty
04 Arrow Feed
04 Arrow Feed
010 - Poultry Feed
020 - Cattle Feed
030 - Horse Feed
040 - Hog Feed
060 - Rabbit Feed
070 - Fish Feed
080 - Salt & Minerals
05 Cattle Supplies
05 Cattle Supplies
010 Cattle Treats
020 Cattle Health & Supplements
060 Cattle Fly Control
070 Cattle Feeders & Waterers
06 Horse Supplies
06 Horse Supplies
010 Horse Treats
020 Horse Health
030 Horse Grooming
07 Poultry Supplies
07 Poultry Supplies
030 Poultry Treats
040 Poultry Feeders & Waterers
050 Poultry Health & Supplements
060 Hatching & Egg Supplies
08 Hog Supplies
08 Hog Supplies
020 Pig Health & Supplements
09 Rabbit Supplies
09 Rabbit Supplies
010 Rabbit Treats
020 Rabbit Health & Supplements
050 Rabbit Bedding
070 Rabbit Feeders & Waterers
080 Rabbit Handling & Identification
10 Goat & Sheep Supplies
10 Goat & Sheep Supplies
010 Goat & Sheep Treats
020 Goat & Sheep Health & Supplements
070 Goat & Sheep Feeders & Waterers
15 General Farm Supplies
15 General Farm Supplies
060 Empty
090 Farm & Stall Mats
100 Feeders
130 Rodent Control
140 General Fly Control
150 Cage Traps
160 Spring Traps
20 Containment & Fencing
20 Containment & Fencing
010 Agriculture Gates
020 Metal Fence Posts
030 Treated Fence Posts
040 Hardware Cloth
050 Chain Link
060 Poultry Netting
070 Welded Wire Fence
080 Field Fence
090 Wire Livestock Panels
100 Barbed and Stranded Wire
110 Agriculture Fence Accessories
120 Fence Tools
130 Electric Fencing
21 Farm Tractor Parts & Accessories
21 Farm Tractor Parts & Accessories
040 Tractor 3-Point Implements
06 Metal Extrusion/Wood Strips
06 Metal Extrusion/Wood Strips
010 Carpet Bars/Nosing
020 Ceramic Metal Trim
00 Carpet Cleaner/Rug Doctor
00 Carpet Cleaner/Rug Doctor
010 Rental
01 Runners/Mats/Pads
01 Runners/Mats/Pads
010 Door Matts
020 Cocoa/Seagrass Mats
030 Carpet/Floor Runner
02 Carpet
02 Carpet
010 Carpet
020 Carpet w/Pad
030 Indoor/Outdoor
03 Wood Flooring
03 Wood Flooring
010 Laminate
020 Laminate w/Pad
030 Installation Kits/Accessories
040 Trim Pieces
Quick Ship Laminate
04 Vinyl
04 Vinyl
010 Sheet Vinyl
020 Tile [Residential]
030 Tile [Commercial]
040 Trim Pieces
050 Plank Vinyl
Quick Ship Vinyl
05 Rugs
05 Rugs
010 Rugs
080 Non-Slip Rug Pads
07 Tile
07 Tile
010 Ceramic
020 Porcelain
030 Decorative
040 Accessories
Quick Ship L&G
Quick Ship Tile
09 Trim Molding
09 Trim Molding
010 Vinyl Molding
020 Metal Trim
10 Adhesives
10 Adhesives
040 Flooring Adhesives
29 Drapery Hardware
29 Drapery Hardware
010 Traverse Rods
020 Curtain Rods
040 Curtain Rod Brackets
060 Curtain Hooks/Accessories
42 Flooring Sealers
42 Flooring Sealers
040 Clear Sealers
48 Mortars & Grouts
48 Mortars & Grouts
030 Tile Grout
040 Floor Prep
050 Mortars
060 Accessories
49 Floor Tools
49 Floor Tools
010 Floor Tools
50 Window coverings
50 Window coverings
010 Window Shades
020 Vertical Blinds
030 Roll-Up Blinds
040 Mini Blinds
050 Faux Wood Blinds
90 Flooring Products
90 Flooring Products
010 Cove Base-Rolled
020 Cove Base-Carded
050 Empty
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
01 Shovels/Spades/Scoops
01 Shovels/Spades/Scoops
010 Aluminum Scoops
030 Poly Scoops
040 D-Handle Sq Pt Shovel
050 D-Handle Rd Pt Shovel
060 Long Handle Sq Pt Shovel
070 Long Handle Rd Pt Shovel
080 Spades
090 Specialty Shovels
02 Post Hole Diggers/Rakes
02 Post Hole Diggers/Rakes
010 Post Hole Diggers
030 Bow Rakes
050 Metal Rakes
060 Poly Rakes
03 Sod & Turf Tools
03 Sod & Turf Tools
010 Cultivators
020 Floral Tools
030 Specialty Tools
040 Hoes
050 Garden Forks
060 Farm Forks
070 Edgers
080 Weeders
090 Vegetable Hooks/Fruit Picker
04 L&G Repair Handles
04 L&G Repair Handles
010 Shovel
040 Hoes
050 Specialty Handles
060 Wheelbarrow
05 Picks/Mattocks/Wedges/Tamps
05 Picks/Mattocks/Wedges/Tamps
010 All Picks & Mattocks
040 Splitting Wedges
050 Tampers
060 Construction Bars
06 Striking Tool Handles
06 Striking Tool Handles
010 Axe Handles
020 Maul Handles
030 Sledge Hammer Handles
040 Pick/Mattock Handles
050 Specialty Handles
08 Axes/Mauls/Sledges
08 Axes/Mauls/Sledges
010 Axes
020 Mauls
030 Sledges
09 Small Handle Tools
09 Small Handle Tools
010 Bulb Planters
020 Hand Garden Tools
030 Kids Ltt Tools
11 Pruning/Grass Tools
11 Pruning/Grass Tools
010 Grass Shears
020 Grass Whips
030 Hedgeshears
040 Lopping Shears
050 Pruning Shears
060 Tree Pruner
070 Hooks & Knives
110 Garden Tool Sharpeners
12 Pruning/Bow Saws
12 Pruning/Bow Saws
010 Pruning Saws
020 Bow Saws
030 Replacement Blades
16 Underground Sprinklers
16 Underground Sprinklers
010 Pop-Up Units
020 Replacement Heads
030 Replacement Parts
040 Valves
050 Controllers
060 Accessories
17 Above Ground Sprinklers
17 Above Ground Sprinklers
010 Oscillating
020 Impulse
030 Rotating
040 Turret And Spot
050 Walking
060 Drip Irrigation Products
070 Misting Sprinklers
18 Hose Nozzles
18 Hose Nozzles
010 Gun
020 Twist
030 Fixed Pattern
040 Spray
19 Hose Fittings
19 Hose Fittings
010 Shut-Offs/Wye's
030 Quick-Connectors
050 Hose Repair/Adapters
20 Sprinkling Accessories
20 Sprinkling Accessories
010 Water Timers
020 Sprinkling Wands
030 Sprinkler Bases
040 Bubblers
21 Sprinkling Cans
21 Sprinkling Cans
010 All Sprinkling Cans
22 Hose Reels/Hangers
22 Hose Reels/Hangers
010 Portable Hose Reels
020 Mounted Reels/Hangers
23 Garden Hose
23 Garden Hose
010 Garden Hose
020 Soaker Hose
36 Wheelbarrows/Yard Carts
36 Wheelbarrows/Yard Carts
010 Poly Tub
020 Steel Tub
060 Yard Carts
37 Garden Lights
37 Garden Lights
010 Solar
38 Hand Trucks
38 Hand Trucks
010 Hand Truck
040 Platform Carts
39 Sweepers/Rollers/Spreaders
39 Sweepers/Rollers/Spreaders
010 Lawn Sweepers
030 Poly Drop Spreader
050 Poly Broadcast Spreader
070 Hand Spreader
080 Pull-Behind Spreader
41 Outdoor Lawn/Decorative Prod
41 Outdoor Lawn/Decorative Prod
20S 2020 Spring
20F Fall 2020
010 Lawn Edging
020 Lawn Ornaments
025 Fountains
026 Statuary
027 Concret Benches
028 Bird Baths
030 Patio Torches/Lights
040 Lawn Reflectors
050 Plant/Tomato Protectors
060 Specialty Lawn Products
070 Soil Tester Kits
080 Garden Ponds/Accessories
100 Chimes
110 Decorative Flags
111 Decor Hardware/Accessories
115 Seasonal Door Mats
116 Seasonal Door Hangers
140 Seasonal Trend
150 Evergreen Restock
18F Evergreen Fall 2025
19s Spring 2019
21S Evergreen Spring 2021
21F Evergreen Fall 2021
22S Evergreen Spring 2022
22F Evergreen Fall 2022
Evergreen Spring 2023
23S Evergreen Spring 2023
23F Evergreen Fall 2023
24S Evergreen Spring 2024
24F Evergreen Fall 2024
25S Evergreen Spring 2025
42 Planters & Accessories
42 Planters & Accessories
020 Plastic/Foam
030 Clay
040 Plant Hardware & Accessories
050 Fiberglass
060 Peat Pots/Plant Start Access.
070 Caddy/Baskets/Accessories
080 Planter Baskets
090 Wood/Metal
100 Ceramic/Porcelain
110 Plant Stads/Benches
120 Outdoor Glazed
132 2024 I/O Pottery
140 Concrete Pottery
43 Lawn & Garden Storage
43 Lawn & Garden Storage
020 Greenhouses
44 Fertilizers
44 Fertilizers
010 Lawn [Dry Bag]
030 Lawn [Liquid Spray]
040 Feeder Cartridges
050 Plant Spikes & Tree Stakes
060 House Plant Fertilizers
070 Plant Food/Spikes
090 Weed & Feed Granules
100 Pre-Emergent Granules
120 Tree & Shrub Food Granular
130 Plant Food-Large Package
140 Organic Fert.
150 Plant Food-Small Package
46 Bag Products
46 Bag Products
010 Decorative Products
020 Manure
030 Peat Moss
040 Potting/Top Soil Large Pk
050 Soil Conditioners Large Pk
060 Water Softener Salt
070 Soil Conditioners Small Pk
080 Organic Bag Products
47 Specialty Plant Products
47 Specialty Plant Products
010 Specialty Plant Products
07 Plant Food Small Packages
48 Sprayers/Dusters
48 Sprayers/Dusters
010 Compression Sprayers
020 Hand Sprayers & Dusters
030 Hose End Sprayers
050 Replacement Parts
50 Insecticides/Repellants
50 Insecticides/Repellants
010 Aerosol Foggers
020 Insect Repellent
030 Aerosols
040 Insect Baits/Traps
050 Fly Ribbon
060 Fly Swatters
070 RTU Products/Applicators
080 Dusts
090 Liquids
100 Granules
110 C/I Insecticides
120 Animal Repellent
53 Weed Control Products
53 Weed Control Products
010 Foliage Protection
030 Weed Control
040 Vegitation Kill
050 Moss Control
060 Fungus Control
070 Landscape Fabric
080 Stump/Root Removal
54 Rodenticides
54 Rodenticides
010 Mole/Gopher Traps-Baits
020 Mouse/Rat Traps-Baits
040 Gassers
050 Ultasonic Pest Repeller
56 Fogging Equipment
56 Fogging Equipment
010 Foggers
020 Fog Insecticides
57 Electric Bug Killers
57 Electric Bug Killers
010 Electric Bug Killers
020 Replacement Parts
59 Seeds/Bulbs/Plants
59 Seeds/Bulbs/Plants
010 Pkg Grass Seed Under 10Lb
020 Pkg Grass Seed 10Lb & Over
030 Flower /Vegetable Seeds
050 Peatpots & Plant Starters
060 Bulb Mix DeGroot
60 Gloves
60 Gloves
010 Jersey Gloves
020 Canvas/Knit Gloves
030 Garden Gloves
040 Chore Gloves
050 Leather Work Gloves
060 Unlined Leather Gloves
080 High Performance Gloves
090 Specialty Coated Gloves
110 Disposable Gloves
111 Empty
115 Chemical Gloves
120 Kids Gloves
130 Utility Gloves
841 Latex Gloves
843 Nitrile Gloves
61 Packaged Rope/Twine
61 Packaged Rope/Twine
030 Twine & String
050 Synthetic Filament Rope
62 Rope [Bulk]
62 Rope [Bulk]
040 Synthetic Filament Rope
64 Galvanized Ware
64 Galvanized Ware
010 Garbage Cans/Lids
020 Tubs
68 Bird & Squirrel Products
68 Bird & Squirrel Products
010 Wild Bird Seed
020 Wild Bird Feeders
030 Wild Bird & Misc Houses
040 Wild Bird Accessories
050 Hummingbird Feed
060 Hummingbird Feeders
070 Hummingbord Accessories
080 Squirrel Feed
090 Squirrel Feeders
70 Thermometers & Clocks
70 Thermometers & Clocks
100 Analog Wall Clock
105 Weather Related Products
106 Rain Gauges
80 Outdoor Furniture Accessories
80 Outdoor Furniture Accessories
020 Umbrellas/Gazebos/Arbors
030 Outdoor Room Accessories
83 Plastic Trash Cans
83 Plastic Trash Cans
020 Trash Can Accessories
010 Plastic Trash Cans
030 Lids For Plastic Trash Cans
Indoor Decor
Indoor Decor
020 Wreaths
030 Decor
040 Floral
90 Seasonal Outdoor Decor
90 Seasonal Outdoor Decor
010 Summer Lighting
99 Nursery/Live Goods
99 Nursery/Live Goods
005 Christmas
010 Bedding Plants
011 Perennials
020 Landscaping Plants
030 Hanging Baskets
040 Bulbs
050 Tropical Plants
060 Roses
070 Trees
071 Fruit Trees
072 Patio Pots
080 Citrus Plants
090 Annuals
100 Shrubs
110 Vines
120 Ferns
130 Landscape Palms
901 Open Stock Plants
015 Indoor
SO Special Orders
SO Special Orders
0SO Special Order
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
06 Hand Saw
06 Hand Saw
010 Hand Held Saw
07 Chain Saws
07 Chain Saws
010 Gas
020 Electric
030 Accessories
040 Oil
13 Trimmers/Edgers/Blowers
13 Trimmers/Edgers/Blowers
010 Electric String Trimmers
020 Gas String Trimmers
050 Gas/Elec/Cordless Blowers
070 Gas/Elec Hedge Trimmers
080 Gas/Elec Edgers
14 L&G Power Equip Accs/Oil
14 L&G Power Equip Accs/Oil
010 String Trimmer Line
020 String Trimmer Accs
060 Power Equipment Oil
15 L&G Wheels/Tubes
15 L&G Wheels/Tubes
010 Lawn Mower Wheels
020 Wheelbarrow Wheels
030 Tubes & Tires
040 Hand Truck Tires
16 Petroleum Containers/Funnels
16 Petroleum Containers/Funnels
010 Gasoline Cans [Poly]
020 Gasonline Cans [Metal]
030 Spouts/Hose Attachements
040 Kerosene Cans [Poly]
050 Funnels
17 Battery Mower
17 Battery Mower
010 Tractor Battery
020 ZTR Battery
030 Push SP Battery
18 Battery Handheld
18 Battery Handheld
010 Trimmer Battery
020 Chainsaw Battery
030 Trim/Blower Combo Kit Battery
040 Polesaw Battery
050 Blower Battery
070 Hedge Trimmer Battery
080 Edgers Battery
26 Gas Powered Mowers
26 Gas Powered Mowers
010 All Gas Push Mowers
030 All Gas Self Propelled
27 Lawn/Garden Tractor
27 Lawn/Garden Tractor
010 Tractors
020 Zero Turn
28 Power Tillers
28 Power Tillers
010 Rototillers
030 Cultivators
29 Pressure Washers
29 Pressure Washers
020 Gas Pressure Washers
040 Electric Pressure Washers
060 Accessories
31 Electric Mowers
31 Electric Mowers
010 Electric Mowers
33 Grass Catchers
33 Grass Catchers
040 Bagger
35 Power Equipment Parts
35 Power Equipment Parts
010 Replacement Blades [Edger]
020 Replacement Blades [Mower]
030 Replacement Blades [Rider]
040 Thatch/Mulch Accessories
050 Tune-Up Kits
060 Mufflers/Air & Oil Filters
070 Springs/Bushings/Adjusts
080 Specialty Engine Parts
090 Specialty Parts
100 Small Engine Spark Plugs
110 Lawnmower Oil [Taxable]
115 Battery Chargers
120 String Trimmer Accs
111 String Trimmer Line
40 Auto Appearance Chemicals
40 Auto Appearance Chemicals
010 Auto Wax/Polish [Paste]
020 Auto Wax/Polish [Liquid]
030 Protectant
040 Polishing Compound
050 Rubbing Compound
060 Wheelcare Product
070 Chrome Cleaner/Detailer
080 Upholstery Cleaners
090 Carpet Cleaners
100 Car Wash
110 All Purpose Cleaners
130 Bug & Tar Remover
41 Car Cleaning Products
41 Car Cleaning Products
010 Synthetic Chamois
020 Squeegees & Sponges
050 Pressure Washers
060 Handheld Wash Brushes
070 Parts Cleaning Brushes
090 Wax Applicators
110 Wax/Cleaning Cloths
42 Auto Maintenance Chemicals
42 Auto Maintenance Chemicals
010 Carb Cleaners/Gas Additives
020 Fuel Injector Cleaners
030 Motor Oil Additives
040 Brake Fluid
050 Power Steering Fluid Additive
060 Cooling System Chemicals
070 Windshield Wash/Antifreeze
080 Windshield Chemicals
090 Brake/Electrical Parts Cleaner
100 Engine Degreaser
110 Starting Fluid
120 Engine Antifreeze
150 Automotive Refrigerant
43 Motor Oil/Trans Fluid
43 Motor Oil/Trans Fluid
010 Multi-Grade Motor Oil
020 Transmission Fluid
030 Specialty Oil
040 Synthetic Motor Oil
44 Lubrication Products
44 Lubrication Products
010 Grease Guns/Pumps
020 Grease Gun Accessories
030 Grease Tubes
040 Grease
050 Anti-Seize Compound
060 Spray Silicone
070 Auto Multi-Purpose Spray
080 Belt Dressing
090 Funnels/Syphons/Pans
100 Gear Tube [Taxable]
45 Auto Body Repair
45 Auto Body Repair
010 Fiberglass Resin
020 Body Filler
030 Cream Hardner
040 Fiberglass Cloth
050 Body Repair Kits
060 Glazing/Spot Putty
070 Automotive Primer
080 Automotive Undercoating
090 Auto Body Repairs
100 Headlight/Taillight Repair
110 Vinyl & Plastic Repair
120 Striping/Moulding
46 Auto Accessories
46 Auto Accessories
020 Auto Comp/Them/clocks
030 Car Trays/Baskets/Holders
040 Seat Cushions & Covers
050 Car Covers
060 Emergency Road Kit
070 License Plate Fastners/Frames
080 Car Mirrors
090 Auto Air Freshners
100 12Volt Inverter/Fan/Lights
110 Creeper
47 Towing
47 Towing
010 Trailer Couplers & jacks
020 Hitch Ball/Tow Accessories
030 Straps/Ropes/Anchor Points
040 Safety Chains
48 Lifting Equipment
48 Lifting Equipment
020 All Jacks
030 Jack Oil
49 Test/Tune/Gauge
49 Test/Tune/Gauge
010 Circuit Tester
50 12Volt Batters
50 12Volt Batters
010 Tractor
51 Automotive Battery Products
51 Automotive Battery Products
010 Battery Chargers
020 Booster Cables
030 Battery Hardware/Trays/Testers
52 Winter Automotive Products
52 Winter Automotive Products
010 Anit-Freeze
020 Anti-Freeze Testers
55 Automotive Lighting
55 Automotive Lighting
010 Halogen Lamps
020 Backup/Clearance Lights
030 Miniature Lamps
040 Safety Flares
56 Automotive Tools
56 Automotive Tools
010 Oil Filter Wrench
020 Battery Tool
030 Spark Plug Gauges/Wrenches
040 Lug Wrenches/Tire Repair
57 Fuses/Switches/Connectors
57 Fuses/Switches/Connectors
010 ATC/ATM Fuses
020 Glass Fuses
030 Fuse Puller
040 Flashers
050 Fuse Holders
070 Trailer Connectors
58 Auto Adhesive/Gaskets
58 Auto Adhesive/Gaskets
010 Gasket Material
020 Weatherstrip/Trim
030 Windshield Sealer
040 Cold Weld Bonding Compound
050 RTV Silicone
060 Thread Locker
070 Rearview Mirror Glue
080 Camper Mount Tape
59 Automotive Tire Products
59 Automotive Tire Products
010 Tire Pumps
020 Air Tanks/Accessories
030 Repair Kits
040 Tire Gauge/Valves
LD Direct Labor
LD Direct Labor
010 Direct Labor
01 Pool Maintenance
01 Pool Maintenance
010 Pool Chemicals
020 Spa Chemicals
030 Pool Testing
040 Pool Maintenance Tools & Equipment
050 Closeout Clorox
02 Pool & Water Accessories
02 Pool & Water Accessories
010 Personal Swim Aids
020 Personal Flotation
030 Pool & Water Toys
040 Pools
050 Pool Miscellaneous
03 Grills/Outdoor Cookers
03 Grills/Outdoor Cookers
010 Gas Grills
015 Griddles
020 Charcoal Grills
030 Pellet Grills
040 Fryers
041 Stockpots & Burners
050 Ceramic Grills
060 Grill Stands/Carts
065 Built-In Grills & Components
070 Electric
075 Closeout Grills/Outdoor Cookers
080 Pizza Ovens & Accessories
04 Grilling/Outdoor Cooking Tools/Parts/Accessories
04 Grilling/Outdoor Cooking Tools/Parts/Accessories
010 Cooking Accessories
020 Weber Accessories
030 Traeger Accessories
040 Big Green Egg Accessories
050 Blackstone Accessories
060 Grill Mark Accessories
070 Old Smokey Accessories
080 King Kooker Accessories
090 Bayou Classic Accessories
100 LP/NG Hoses/Regulators/Connectors
110 Boiling/Frying Accessories
115 Closeout BBQ Tools/Parts/Accessories
05 Cookware
05 Cookware
603 Aluminum
605 Cast Iron
614 Skimmers
618 Utensils
06 Grilling Fuel & Starter
06 Grilling Fuel & Starter
010 Lump Charcoal
020 Briquette Charcoal
030 Pellets
040 Starters & Fluid
050 Chips/Chunks
060 Charcoal Storage
07 Sauces Rubs Seasonings
07 Sauces Rubs Seasonings
010 Sauces
020 BBQ Rubs & Seasonings
030 Seafood Boil & Seasoning
040 Fry Batter
047 Marinades
090 Closeout Sauces Rub Seasonings
08 Coolers & Drinkware
08 Coolers & Drinkware
010 Soft Sided Coolers
020 Hard Sided Coolers
030 Cooler Repair Parts & Accessories
040 Drinkware
050 Drinkware Accessories
060 Beverage Cooler Dispensers
100 Substitute Ice
09 Outdoor Patio Furniture Sets
09 Outdoor Patio Furniture Sets
010 Aluminum Dining Patio Furniture Sets
020 Aluminum Seating Patio Furniture Sets
030 Wood Patio Furniture Sets
040 Resin Patio Furniture Sets
050 Steel Dining Patio Furniture Sets
060 Steel Deep Seat Patio Furniture Sets
070 Bistro Patio Furniture Sets
080 Wicker Deep Seating Patio Furniture Sets
10 Outdoor Function Patio Furniture
10 Outdoor Function Patio Furniture
010 Swings
020 Gliders
040 Hammocks
050 Benches
060 Picnic Tables
070 Outdoor Seating & Lounges
080 Rocking Chairs
090 Adirondack Chairs
100 Plastic Chairs
110 Plastic Tables
11 Outdoor Patio Furniture and Accessories
11 Outdoor Patio Furniture and Accessories
010 Umbrella Bases
020 Umbrellas
030 Outdoor Room Accessories
050 Repair Parts & Swing Chains
080 Canopies Gazebos & Accessories
13 Outdoor Decor/Trend
13 Outdoor Decor/Trend
020 Lawn Ornaments Clocks
040 Wall Art
051 Birdbaths
080 Summer Trend
14 Outdoor Storage
14 Outdoor Storage
010 Blow Molded Storage Sheds
030 Storage Shed Accessories
040 Blow Molded Storage Boxes
15 Outdoor Patio Heating
15 Outdoor Patio Heating
010 Wood Burninig Fire Pits & Chimineas
030 Propane Fire Pits
040 Fire Pit & Chiminea Accessories
050 Propane Patio Heaters
070 Patio Heater Accessories
080 Fire Pit Chiminea & Patio Heater Fuel
16 Rainwear/Boots/Hats
16 Rainwear/Boots/Hats
010 Hip Boots/Waders
020 Ponchos
030 Rainsuits
080 Overshoes/Boots
040 Hats
17 Canning
17 Canning
604 Canning
18 Camping Accessories
18 Camping Accessories
010 Camp Stove/Lantern Accessories
030 Camping Accessories
090 Cookware & Accessories
19 Camping Appliances/Fuel
19 Camping Appliances/Fuel
010 Gas Lanters/Stoves
020 Propane Lanters/Stoves
030 Gas Cylinders/Cartridges
040 White Gas
042 Electric Lanterns
20 Outdoor Decor
20 Outdoor Decor
010 Fall Decor
020 Pumpkins
21 Kitchen Cutlery
21 Kitchen Cutlery
607 - Cutting Boards
22 Thermometers/Food/Fridge/Freezer
22 Thermometers/Food/Fridge/Freezer
601 Cooking Thermometers
602 Home Thermometers
23 Hunting & Shooting Accessories
23 Hunting & Shooting Accessories
100 Specialty Accessories
140 Knives
24 Playground & Gym Sets
24 Playground & Gym Sets
030 Accessories & Replacement Parts
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
A1 Hurricane Supplies
A1 Hurricane Supplies
901 Wood Pencils
904 Markers
A2 Christmas
A2 Christmas
313 LED Net Lights
916 Live Trees
301 Mini Lights
302 Icicle Lights
303 C Sets & Globes
305 Novelty Lights
306 Replacement Bulbs
307 Accessories/Holders
308 Candles
309 LED Rope Lights
310 LED Mini Lights
311 Net Lights
312 LED Icicle Lights
314 LED C Light Sets
315 LED Novelty Lights
401 Wrapping Paper
402 Bags & Tissue
403 Bows/Ribbons/Tags
502 Metal Tree Stands
504 Tree Stand Accessories
601 Prelit Wreaths
602 Unlit Wreaths
603 Prelit Garlands
604 Unlit Garland
701 Prelit Trees 6'& Over
702 Unlit Trees 6'& Over
703 Prelit Trees Under 6'
705 Porch Trees
706 Novelty Trees
707 Tree Accessories
713 Tree Acc & Storage
801 Inflatables
806 Nativity Outdoor
807 Pathway Markers
808 Misc Outdoor Decor
902 Ornaments
903 Stockings
904 Tabletop/Home Decor
905 Silhouettes
907 Animated Items
910 Nativities & Accessories
911 Ribbon
912 Tree Toppers
913 Tree Skirts
914 Mardi Gras Christmas
915 Wall Decor
918 Toys/Gifts
920 Halloween
927 Candy
925 Evergreen
A3 Clip Strip
A3 Clip Strip
100 Clip Strip
A4 Halloween
A4 Halloween
905 Lighting
910 Poster Board
911 Stencils
A5 Hunting
A5 Hunting
916 Georgia Boot
901 Deer Feeder
902 Deer Food
903 Drake
904 Targets
905 Deer Scents
906 Apparel
907 Hunting Accessories
909 Deer Stands/Ladders
910 Deer Camera
912 Archery
914 Camo Wrap
A7 Easter
A7 Easter
900 RAZ Easter
A8 Books
A8 Books
907 Sportsman Magazine
B1 Engrave
B1 Engrave
901 Engraving
B2 Gift
B2 Gift
901 Novelty Gift
905 Floral
904 Team
C1 Clothing
C1 Clothing
L2 Store Supplies [Non-Tax]
L2 Store Supplies [Non-Tax]
903 Gift Card Accessories
M1 Health & Beauty Aids
M1 Health & Beauty Aids
901 Soap
908 Skin Care
915 First Aid
909 Mask
M9 Miscellaneous
M9 Miscellaneous
010 Miscellaneous Charges
P1 Candy/Foods
P1 Candy/Foods
901 Candy/Non-Chocolate
902 Gum & Breath Mints
904 Snacks
905 Snack Making Supplies
906 Beverages
907 Cough Drops
908 Candy/Chocolate
909 Ruckers
910 Cajun Craft
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
R1 Front End Checkout
R1 Front End Checkout
095 Mission Towels
050 Lovehandle
180 Limitless
010 Regal Tools
015 Continental Concession
020 Olympia Tools
060 Anti-Monkey Butt
070 SRS Innovations
075 Groove
100 NiteIze
101 Orgill
105 Evergreen
195 As Seen on TV
200 DM Merchandising
205 Nebo
215 Hybrid Light
250 Aries Manufacturing
300 Wolfpeak
450 Bling Sting
505 Signature Sports
600 CAT Apparel
700 Illumibowl
901 Impulse/Novelty
220 WeatherTech
Q1 Queue
Q1 Queue
010 Auto
020 Candle
030 Dot's Pretzels
040 Snacks
050 Parish Line
060 Home Repair
070 LED Light
080 Office
090 Flashlight
100 Beef Jerky
120 As Seen On TV
130 Sanitization
140 Cleaning
150 Pest
160 Personal Care
170 Louisiana Food
180 Pet
190 Battery
200 Swig
210 Happy City
220 Black Rifle Coffee
230 RedBull
235 Frostop
240 Cell Phones
250 Toys
260 Novelty
270 Stanley
280 Peepers
290 Kanga
300 Schleich Toys
310 Pecans
320 Louisiana Royal Standard
330 AcuPlus
340 Stickers Northwest
350 TY Inc
360 Cirkul
370 Jarritos
380 Liquid IV
14 Appliance Parts
14 Appliance Parts
080 Range Burners/Knobs
090 Stove Reflector Pans
200 Range Accs
50 Specialty Appliances
50 Specialty Appliances
010 Ice Machine
030 Beverage Coolers/Storage
050 Trash Compactors
61 Range Hoods/Accessories
61 Range Hoods/Accessories
010 Range Hoods
020 Range Hood Parts
62 Dryer/ Range Venting
62 Dryer/ Range Venting
010 Vent Kids & Hoods
63 Water Filtration
63 Water Filtration
020 Replacement Cartridges
64 Home AC & Dehumidifiers
64 Home AC & Dehumidifiers
341 Mini Split A/C
343 Air Conditioners
A1 Washers
A1 Washers
010 Top Load
020 Front Load
A2 Dryers
A2 Dryers
010 Top Load Electric
020 Top Load Gas
030 Front Load Electric
A3 Laundry Centers
A3 Laundry Centers
010 Washer/Dryer Combo
020 Washer/Dryer Accessories
B1 Refrigerators
B1 Refrigerators
010 Top Mount
020 Side/Side
030 Fridge/Freezer Accessories
040 Bottom Mount
050 Compact Refrig
B3 Freezers
B3 Freezers
010 Chest
020 Upright
C1 Dishwashers
C1 Dishwashers
010 Built In
D1 Free-Standing Ranges
D1 Free-Standing Ranges
010 Electric
020 Gas
040 Dual Fuel
D3 Slide-In Ranges
D3 Slide-In Ranges
010 Electric
020 Gas
999 Special Order
D4 Cooktops
D4 Cooktops
010 Electric
020 Gas
D5 Ovens
D5 Ovens
020 Gas
010 Electric
E1 Microwaves
E1 Microwaves
010 OTR
020 Countertop
030 Trim Kits/Accessories
R1 Extended Warranties
R1 Extended Warranties
010 36 Month
020 60 Month
RR Appliance Repair
RR Appliance Repair
010 Appliance Repair
999 Special Order
SO Special Orders
SO Special Orders
999 Special Order
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
01 Miscellaneous
01 Miscellaneous
010 Delivery Fees
020 Pick-Up Fees
A00 Appliance Fees
I00 Install Fees
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
01 #1 Clear & Better Pine
01 #1 Clear & Better Pine
010 #1 Pine 1"
020 #1Pine 2"
030 #1 Pine 4"
040 Clear & Better Pine
02 #2 Pine
02 #2 Pine
010 1x4 Pine
020 1x6 Pine
030 1x8 Pine
060 2x4 Pine
070 2x6 Pine
080 2x8 Pine
090 2x10 Pine
100 2x12 Pine
110 3x8 Pine
03 Ponderosa Pine
03 Ponderosa Pine
010 #3 Ponderosa Pine
04 Treated Pine
04 Treated Pine
010 1x2 Treated
020 1x4 Treated
030 1x6 Treated
040 1x8 Treated
050 5/4x4 Treated
051 5/4x6 Treated
055 2x2 Treated
060 2x4 Treated
070 2x6 Treated
080 2x8 Treated
090 2x10 Treated
100 2x12 Treated
110 4x4 Treated
120 4x6 Treated
130 6x6 Treated
135 8x8 Treated
140 Timbers Treated
136 10x10 Treated
05 Studs
05 Studs
010 Wood Studs
020 Metal Studs
06 Fir
06 Fir
020 1x4 Fir
030 1x6 Fir
040 1x8 Fir
050 1x12 Fir
060 2x4 Fir
090 5/4x6 Fir
100 5/4x4 Fir
110 5/4x8 Fir
07 Rough Cedar
07 Rough Cedar
010 1x12 Cedar
08 Cypress
08 Cypress
030 1x6 Cypress
040 1x8 Cypress
060 1x12 Cypress
09 Western Wood/Spruce/Redwood
09 Western Wood/Spruce/Redwood
010 Western Wood
020 Spruce
10 Wood Fencing
10 Wood Fencing
010 Fence Boards
030 Fence Panels
11 Premium Woods
11 Premium Woods
010 Oak
030 Poplar
040 Maples
050 Hardwood Dunnage
12 Synthetic Decking Producst
12 Synthetic Decking Producst
100 Black Iron Fencing
101 Black Iron Railing
200 Aeratis PVC Flooring
300 Timber Tech Comp
13 Engineered Wood Trusses
13 Engineered Wood Trusses
010 Engineered Wood Trusses
100 DR Horton
14 Laaminated Beams
14 Laaminated Beams
010 Laminated Beams
15 Fascia
15 Fascia
010 Clear Laminated Boards
020 Radiata Pine
030 Dura Prime
16 Wooden Stakes
16 Wooden Stakes
010 1x2 Stakes
020 2x2 Stakes
030 2x3 Stakes
040 2x4 Stakes
20 Flooring/Ceiling
20 Flooring/Ceiling
010 D-Grade
030 Center Match
050 Beaded Ceiling
21 Wood Board Siding
21 Wood Board Siding
010 Drop Siding #105
020 #116 Pine
030 #117 Pine
040 #122 Pine
050 Redwood/Fir
SS Shrink
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
RA Rental Accessories
RA Rental Accessories
010 Paint Accessories
020 Tool Accessories
090 Building Material Accessories
0P0 Party Supply Accessories
RR Rental Rates
RR Rental Rates
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
RS Rental Sales
RS Rental Sales
011 Pressure Washers
021 Power Tools
023 Blades
042 Plumbing Tools
060 Carpet/Flooring Equipment
072 Lawn Equipment
200 Light Equipment
300 Heavy Equipment
900 Parking Permit
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
SS Stine Smart Cards
SS Stine Smart Cards
SS ** SKU Conversion **
SS ** SKU Conversion **
999 ** SKU Conversion **
Shop By Department
16 Foundation Material
010 Foundation Reinforcement
020 Expansion Material
20 Cement Blocks Pads & Piers
010 Cement Blocks
020 Pads
030 Piers
040 Masonry
050 Accessories
21 House Steps
010 Wood Steps/Stingers
030 Concrete Steps
040 Concrete Steps w/Stoop
050 Handrails
060 Miscellaneous
22 Culverts
010 Metal Culverts
020 Metal Culvert Accessories
030 Plastic Culverts
040 Plastic Culvert Accessories
34 Exterior Sheeting & Foam
010 Exterior Sheeting
020 Foam Sheeting
44 Polyethylene Sheeting
010 Bulk Poly Film
030 Consumer Poly Roll [Promo]
040 Poly Sheeting Accessories
45 Ventilation Products
030 Power Vents
040 Turbine Vents
060 Vent Screens
070 Wall/Roof/Ridge Vents
090 Foundation Vents
48 Deck Railing/Porch Posts
010 Posts
020 Handrails
030 Ballusters/Spindles
60 Empty
010 Empty
70 Fencing - Vinyl & Accessories
110 Fencing Accessories
130 Vinyl Fencing
80 Mobile Home & RV Products
010 RV Product
900 MH Doors
910 MH Windows
920 MH Skirting
930 MH Anchors/Tie Downs
940 MH Accessories
82 Concretes/Blacktop/Sand Prod
010 Concrete/Blacktop Mixes
012 Mix-Ins For Concrete
020 Concrete Mixers
030 Concrete Colorant
060 Accessories
070 Sand Bags/Tube Sand
83 House Siding/Accessories
010 Vinyl Siding
020 Siding Accessories
030 Cement Siding/Accessories
040 Asbestos Siding
050 Masonite
060 Wood Siding/Accessories
070 PVC
85 Roofing
010 Aluminum Valley
020 Galvanized & Copper Valley
030 Rosin Paper & Felt Paper
040 Rolled Roofing
050 Roofing Accessories
060 Metal/Fiberglass Roofing
070 Asphalt/Fiberglass Shingles
080 Cedar
86 Insulation/Bldg Wrap
010 Kraft Faced
020 Unfaced
025 Cellulose
050 Building Wrap
060 Reflective Energy Barrier
070 Accessories
87 Rain Diffusion
010 Metal Gutter/Downspout
020 Vinyl Gutter/Downspout
030 Metal Accessories
040 Vinyl Accessories
060 Drip Edge
070 Diffusion Accessories
89 Ceiling Material
020 Ceiling Tiles
030 Ceiling Tile Grids
040 Accessories
91 Gypsum Panels
010 Gypsum Panels
020 Fireguard Gypsum
030 Wetguard Gypsum
040 Stretchrock
050 Cement Board/Accessories
060 Sheetrock Accessories
93 Plywood
010 Cabinet Grade
020 Sanded
030 Rough
040 Stranded/Particle Board
045 Treated
94 Cut Lumber/Panels/Hardwood
020 Wood Paneling & Accessories
028 Fiberglass Panel & Accessories
030 Cut Lumber/Panels
050 Lattice Panels & Accessories
01 Windows
010 Aluminum Widows
020 Pre-Made Screens
040 Alum Vinyl Clad Windows
050 Solid Vinyl Windows
060 Glass Block Windows
070 Window Accessories
20 Interior Doors
010 Bi-Fold
015 Folding Doors
020 Door Only
040 Masonite Units
050 Accessories
25 Exterior Doors
010 Door Only
020 Wood Units
030 Steel Units
040 Fiberglass Units
050 Double Door Units
060 Misc. Equipment
30 Glass Door Inserts
010 Door Blinds
35 Screens & Storm Doors
010 Screen Door
020 Croft Storm Door
030 Larson Storm Door
040 Weatherstrip/Sealant
050 Screeneze
50 Attic Stairway
080 Attic Stairway
60 Shutters
010 Vinyl Louvered
020 Vinyl Panelled
040 Shutter Accs
70 Columns
010 Wood
020 Metal
030 Fiberglass
80 Unfinished Mouldings
010 Unfinished
020 Primed
030 MDF
040 Oak
050 Poplar
060 Speciality/Carved Mouldings
070 Moulding Accessories
90 Prefinished Mouldings
010 White
040 PVC Trim
050 Crystal White
060 Majestic Oak
070 Russet
93 Moulding/Craft Wood
040 Wood Shims/Specialty Prod
060 Azek Trim
95 Stair Parts
010 Treads
020 Hand Rails
030 Ballusters
040 Newel Posts
050 Accessories
SS Shrink
OOS Shrink
00 Floor Care
010 Liquid Wax [No Buffing]
020 Liquid Wax [Buffable]
030 Paste Wax
040 Clean & Wax
050 No-Wax Floor Care
051 ** SKU Conversion **
060 Wax Removers
080 Floor Cleaners
01 Tile Care
010 Tile/Grout Cleaners
020 Grout/Slate Sealers
040 Adhesive Removers
02 Furniture Polish/Touch-Up
010 Furniture Polish [Aerosol]
020 Furniture Polish [Liquid]
030 Furniture Cleaners
03 Household Cleaners
010 Powder Cleaners
020 Muriatic Acid
030 Mineral Removers
040 Mildew Removers
050 Metal Polish/ Cleaners
060 Rust Remover/Preventative
070 Wood Cleaners
080 Counter Top Cleaners
090 Leather/Vinyl Cleaners
100 All Purpose Cleaners
110 Specialty Cleaners
120 Wall Cleaners
130 Disinfectants[Liquid]
140 Oven Cleaners
150 Degreaser Cleaners
160 Exterior Cleaners
170 Disenfectants[Aerosol]
190 Vinegar [For Cleaning]
180 Bleach
200 Disinfecting Wipes
210 Adhesive Removers
05 Glass/Plastic Cleaners
010 Fiberglass Cleaner
030 Glass Cleaner[Non-Aerosol]
040 Glass Cleaner[Aerosol]
050 Sprayers
060 Glass & Surface Cleaners
06 Air Freshener
010 Air Fresheners[Aerosol]
020 Air Fresheners[Solid]
030 Air Fresheners[Liquid]
07 Bathroom Cleaners
010 Bowl Cleaner[Liquid]
020 Bowl Cleaner[Solid]
030 Cleaning Tools/Refills
040 Tub/Tile/Shower
09 Waterproofer/Moisture Control
010 Fabric Waterproofer
020 Moisture Control
11 Mops/Wax Applicators
010 Stick Mops/Mopheads
020 Mop Handles
030 Dust Mops/Treatments
040 Sponge Mops
050 Wax Applicators
060 Sponge/Dusting Refills
12 Rug/Upholstery Cleaners
010 Rug Cleaners [Shampooer]
020 Rug Cleaners [Aerosol]
040 Upholstery Cleaners
050 Rug Treatments
060 Spot Removers
070 Carpet Deodorizers
100 Rug Cleaner[Extraction]
110 Allergy Control Products
13 Soap/Detergent/Ammonia
010 Dish Soaps
030 Detergents [Powder]
040 Detergents [Liquid]
050 Fabric Softeners
060 Cleansers
070 Ammonia
090 Empty
100 Specialty Laundry
120 Laundry Pre-Treats
140 Dishwasher
130 Hand Soap
15 Hand Cleaners/Gloves
010 Hand Cleaners
620 Hand Protectors
16 Home/Maintenence Brushes
010 Scrub Brushes
020 Dusters/Accs/Refills
030 Fender Brushes
040 Household Brushes
050 Maintenance Brushes
17 Sponges/Chamois/Scourers
020 Sponges
030 Scouring Pads
040 Soap Pads
18 Polish Cloths/Rags
010 Dust Cloths
020 Polish Cloths
030 Wiping Rags
19 Brooms/Dust Pans
010 Corn Brooms
020 Plastic Brooms
030 Push Brooms
040 Broom Handles/Accs
050 Whisk Brooms
060 All Dust Pans
1A Kitchen Textiles/Paper Product
010 Household Trash Bags
020 Compactor Bags
030 Industrial/Commercial
040 Bag Holders/Accessories
604 Paper Towels
606 Facial Tissue
20 Oil Dri/Sweeping Compound
010 Oil Absorbent
020 Sweeping Compound
21 Squeegees/Window Brushes
010 Window Squeegees
020 Floor Scrapers
030 Window Brushes/Accessories
22 Mop Wringer/Buckets/Pails
010 Mop Wringers/Buckets
020 Plastic Pails
030 Metal Pails
040 Mopping Accessories
23 Vacuums/Sweepers/Scrubbers
020 Hand Held Vacuums
110 Commercial Floor Care Accs
25 Lubricants/Contact Cleaners
010 Lubricants
020 Contact Cleaners
26 Tapes
020 Plastic Tapes
030 Masking Tapes/Machines
040 Wallboard Tapes
070 Safety Treads
080 Duck Tape
27 Glues/Adhesives/Applicators
010 Household Glues/Cements
020 Construction
030 Contact Cements
050 Spray Adhesives
060 Repair Adhesives
070 Adhesive Applicators
080 Instant/Super
090 Epoxy
100 Wood
110 Subfloor/Deck
120 Panel
130 Glass And Mirror
140 Vinyl/Pool
150 Plastic/Rubber
160 Craft/Paste-Up
170 Cove
190 Flex Seal
28 Caulk/Sealants/Glazing
010 Pure Silicone
020 Siliconized Acrylic
030 Latex [Non-Silicone]
040 Specialty
050 Tub/Tile/Shower
060 Foam
080 Fire Stop Caulks
090 Caulk Accessories
100 Caulk Kits
999 Special Order
29 Caulking Guns
010 Caulk Guns
31 Paint Brushes
030 Consumer Natural Bristle
040 Consumer Synthetic Bristle
050 Foam
060 Single Use/Toss-Away
080 Promotional Multipacks
090 Professional
100 Paint Mits
32 Ladders
010 Aluminum/Steel Step Ladder
030 Fiberglass Step
040 Accessories
050 Aluminum Extension
060 Fiberglass Extension
070 Scaffolds & Accs
838 Step Stools
34 Wire Brushes
010 Wire Brushes
35 Knives/Scrapers
010 Linoleum Knives
020 Putty Knives/Scrapers
030 Wood Scrapers
040 Razor Scrapers
050 Replacement Blades
36 Painter Tools/Pails/Accs
010 Painter Tools
020 Paint Pails
030 Plastic Tubs
040 Masking Paper
050 Paint Clean-Up/Accs
060 Cover-Alls/Spray Socks
38 Paint Dept. Giveaways
010 All Paint Giveaways
39 Drop Cloths
010 Plastic
020 Paper
030 Canvas
040 Rosin/Const. Paper
40 Glass Cutting Tools
010 Glass Cutters
020 Glazier Points/Access
41 Paint/Varnish Removers
020 Adhesive Remover
010 Chem Paint/Varnish Remover
030 Graffiti Removers
040 Furniture Refinishers
050 Mistake Removers
080 Electrical
100 Remover Accessories
42 Masonry Paint/Sealers
010 Readymix Waterproof Paint
020 Dry Waterproof Paint
040 Clear Sealers
050 Masonry Stain/Paint
060 Masonary Cleaner
43 Wood Finishes
010 Clear Varnish
030 Clear Lacquer
040 Oil Stain
050 Water Clean Up Stain
060 Penetrating Finish
070 Scratch Repair
080 Fortifier/Filler
090 Deck Cleaners
110 Spray Stains
120 Water Clean-Up Varnish
44 Sovents/Thinners
010 Solvents/Thinners
020 Specialty Thinners
030 Deglossers
040 Brush Cleaners
45 Roof/Driveway Maintenance
010 Driveway Sealers/Accs
020 Roof/Foundation Coatings
030 Repair Fabric/Matting
040 Driveway Cleaners
46 Wall Repair Comp/Fabrics
010 Wall Repair Compounds
020 Wall Repair Fabrics
030 Joint Compounds
040 Spray Texture
050 Drywall Repair Sheets
48 Cements/Plasters
010 Concrete Bonders
020 Patch & Repair Products
030 Tile Grout
040 Grout & Mortar Additives
49 Steel Wool
010 Steel Wool
50 Sandpaper/Disks/Belts
050 Sanding Sponges
010 Packaged
020 Bulk
030 Hand Sanding Accessories
51 Glass
010 Consumer Sgl Strength
050 Cut To Size Mirror
52 Acrylic Sheeting
010 .100 Strength Acrylic
020 .125/.250 Strength Acrylic
030 Acrylic Accessories
56 Wood Filler/Putty/Sticks
010 Wood Filler
020 Wood Putty/Dough
030 Touch-Up/Blend Sticks
61 Liquid Paint - National
040 Specialty Paints
62 Paint
171 Val Int Medallion
172 Val Int Expressions
173 C/O Val Door & Trim
174 Val Ext Medallion
177 Kry Rust Tough
178 Val Barn-Metal Bldg
185 Val Primer
191 Sure Color
010 Ace Royal Ext Paint
013 Arbor Coat Exterior Stain
014 Magnolia Home
060 Ace Farm Paints
070 Ace Royal Int Paint
097 BM Interior Super Hide
120 Ace Wood Finishes
130 Ace Enamels
140 Ace Specialty Products
143 BM Specialty Products
160 C+K Interior Paint
170 C&K Exterior Paint
179 Val Exterior Aspire
180 Val Interior Optimus
181 Val Interior Aspire
182 Val Interior Pro
183 Val Ceiling
184 Val Exterior Pro
187 Chalk Paint
190 Duralux Marine Paint
191 RO Sure Home
192 BM Corotech Command
185 Val Int ProHide
186 Val Ext ProHide
098 BM Ext Elm Grd
63 Spray Paints
General Purpose
Krylon Spray
010 Enamel
020 Rust Preventative
030 Clear
040 Lacquer
050 Fluorescent
060 Metallic
070 Commercial/High-Heat
090 Specialty Primers
110 Epoxy Paint
120 C/I Spray Paints
130 Chalk Paint
71 Paint Rollers
010 Long Nap
020 Short Nap
030 Specialty
040 Trim & Mini Rollers
050 Professional
070 Sets
100 Trays And Frames
110 Extension Poles
72 Paint Sprayers
010 Airless
030 Spray Paint Can Handles
040 Cup Gun Accessories
050 Wood Treatment Sprayer
070 Airless Spray Accessories
080 Air Spray Gun
090 Traffic MArking Machines
74 Paint & Sundries [Taxable]
010 POP Display/Materials
87 Exterior Stains
010 Latex [Non-Silicone]
020 Oil- Solid
030 Oil- Semi Trans
040 Wood Preservative
050 Bases
88 Power Washers
050 Chemicals
060 Accessories
89 Home Craft Supplies
010 Art Brushes
040 Hobby Paints/Glazes
060 Art Stencils/Decal
080 Air Brushes
090 Faux Finish Tools
91 Wallpaper & Accessories
030 Pastes
060 Removers
080 Corner Guards
110 Wallpaper Accessories
130 Borders
135 Wallpaper
601 Scissors
791 Contact/Laminate Paper
792 Shelf Paper/Liner
92 Marine Products
010 Topside Paints
070 Primers
100 Glues & Resins
93 Paint Pads
010 Exterior
020 Interior
94 Wood preservatives
010 Above Ground
030 Above/Below Ground
95 Paint Additives
010 Mildew
040 Slip Resistant
050 Texture
070 Paint Conditioner/Hardener
97 Enamels
040 Rust Preventative
070 Touch Up
080 Heat Resistant
98 Primer
020 Interior Primer
060 Interior/Exterior Primer
99 Specialty Paints
010 Farm & Implement
020 Coatings
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
00 Handsaws/Repl Parts
010 Compass/Keyhole Saws
020 Coping Saws
030 Hacksaws
040 Handsaws
050 Specialty Saws
01 Mitre Boxes/Accs
010 Mitre Boxes
03 Repl Handsaw Blades
010 Hacksaw Blades
020 Coping Saw Blades
030 Compass/Keyhole Saw Blades
040 Specialty Saw Blades
05 Power Saw Blades
010 Steel Circular Saw Blades
020 Jigsaw Blades
030 Jigsaw Blade Sets
040 Recip Saw Blades
050 Bandsaw Blades
060 Power Blade Accs
070 Diamond Saw Blades
080 Carbide Tipped Saw Blades
090 Abrasive Cutting Blades
100 Scroll Saw Blades
06 Holesaws/Holecutters
010 Holesaws
020 Arbors/Pilots/Mandrels
030 Holesaw Sets
040 Doorlock Install Kits
07 Hammers/Hatchets
010 Fiberglass Claw/Rip
020 Wood Claw/Rip
030 Tubular Steel Claw/Rip
040 Solid Steel Claw/Rip
050 Ball Pein
080 Tack
100 Specialty Hammers
110 Mallets
120 Hatchets
130 Hammer/Hatchet Accs
09 Handles
030 Specialty Handles/Wedges
11 Fastening Tools
010 Staplers
020 Rivet Tools
030 Glue Guns
040 Stitching Kits\Accs
050 Brad Nailers
12 Staples/Rivets/Glue
010 Rivets/Back-Up Plates
020 Hot Melt Adhesive
030 Staples
033 ** SKU Conversion **
040 Nail Pins
13 Punches/Grommets/Accs
010 Leather Punches
020 Grommet Tools
030 Grommets
14 Levels
010 Aluminum
020 Torpedo
030 Mahogany
040 Poly Cast
050 Laser/Specialty
15 Squares/Bevels/Protractor
010 Framing Squares
020 Tri-Squares
030 Combination Squares
040 T-Squares
050 Layout Tools
060 Bevels
070 Protractor
16 Wood Planes/Scrapers
010 Wood Planes
040 Surforms
19 Utility Knoves/Blades
010 Utility Knives
020 Replacement Blades
030 Hobby Knives
20 Screwdrivers
010 Screwdrivers
020 Screwdriver Sets
030 Nut Drivers
050 Torx Screwdrivers
060 Multi-Bit Drivers
090 Ratcheing Screwdrivers
110 Jewelers Screwdrivers
130 Specialty Screwdrivers/Bits
21 Pneumatic Tools
020 Pneumatic Tools
030 Pneumatic Accessories
010 Staplers & Nailers
22 Hand/Push/Brace Drills
030 Bits f/Hand Powered Drills
23 Self Feed/Extension Bits
010 Auger Bits
020 Expansion Bits
030 Bradpoint Drill Bits
040 Forstener Bits
050 Powerbore Bits
060 Circle Cutters
070 Bit Extensions
24 Doweling Jigs/Accs
010 Doweling Jigs
020 Specialty Doweling Accs
030 Plug Cutters
25 Screwdriving Bits/Accs
010 1" Insert Bits
020 Power Nutsetters
030 Bit & Nutsetter Accs Sets
040 Power Screwdriving Accs
050 2"-6" Power Bits
26 Nail Sets/Awls/Accs
010 Nail Sets
020 Awls
030 Countersinks
040 Automatic Center Punches
060 Scribers
29 Marking Tools/Tapes
010 Carpenter Pencils/Crayons
020 Flagging Tap/Flags
040 Stud Sensors
070 Butt Markers
080 Stencils/Stamps
090 Specialty Marking Tools
30 Chalk Lines/Accessories
010 Chalk Lines
020 Chalk Line Accs
31 Plumb Bobs
010 All Plumb Bobs
32 Measuring Tools/Refills
010 Tape Rules
030 Folding Rules
040 Electronic Measurers
050 Straight Edge Rules
060 Long Tapes
070 Whelled Measures
33 Precision Tools
010 Precision Measuring
030 Guages
050 Magnets/Magnet Tools
060 Specialty Tools
35 Safety Equipment
010 Eye Protection
020 Ear Protection
030 Head Protection
040 Respirators
050 Specialty Equipment
36 Decking/Roofing Fasteners
010 Pneumatic Staples
020 Pneumatic Nails
030 Specialty Fasteners
37 Tool Holders/Accessories
010 Construction/Work Aprons
020 Tool/Nail Bags
030 Tool Holders/Pouches
040 Canvas Aprons
060 Belts & Suspenders
070 Knee Pads
080 Specialty Holders/Protectors
39 Wire Wheels/Buffs
010 Wire Wheels
020 Nylon Wheels
030 Buffing Compound
040 Buffing Wheels
41 Sharp Stones/Grind Wheels
010 Power Grinding Wheels
020 Pocket Stones/Accs
030 Grinders/Mandrils
040 Mounted Stones/Wheel Pts
42 Cement/Drywall/Tile Tools
010 Cement Trowels
020 Floats
030 Specialty Cement Tools
040 Drywall Trowels
050 Hand/Pole Sanders
060 Taping Knives/Tools
070 Specialty Drywall Tools
080 Tiling Trowels/Spreaders
090 Specialty Tiling Tools
100 Masonry/Drywall Accs
43 Pneumatic Accessories
040 Pneumatic Oil
44 Files/Accs
020 Hand Files
050 Rotary Rasps/Files
070 Specialty Files/Sets
080 File Handles/Accs
100 Hand Rasps
45 Punches/Chisels
010 Star Drills
020 Brick Set
030 Punches
040 Masonry Chisels
050 Wood Chisels
060 Specialty Chisels
46 Dies/Reamers/Extractors
010 Taps
020 Dies
030 Specialty Tap/Die Accs
040 Screw Extractors/Sets
050 Tap/Die Sets
47 Router Bits
010 Router Bits/Sets
020 Accessories
50 Plumbing Tools
010 Pipe & Tubing Cutters
020 Specialty Pipe/Tube Tools
050 Thread Cutting Oil
51 Power Drill Bit Sets
010 HSS Bit Sets
020 Masonry/Glass Bit Sets
030 Cobalt Bit Sets
040 Titanium Bit Sets
060 Specialty Bit Sets
070 Drill Bit Indexes
52 Power Drill Bits
010 High Speed steel Bits
020 Masonry/Glass Bits
030 Colbalt Bits
040 Titanium Bits
050 Wire Gage Bits
060 Specialty Bits
53 Pliers
010 Solid Joint Pliers
020 Slip/Groove Joint Pliers
030 Locking Pliers
040 Sets
050 Multi-Tools
56 Wrenches
010 Adjustable Wrenches
020 Flat Wrenches
030 Hex Keys
040 Pipe Wrenches
050 Specialty Wrenches
58 Sockets & Accessories
010 1/4" DR Sockets/Accs
020 3/8" DR Sockets/Accs
030 1/2" DR Sockets/Accs
050 Socket/Wrench Sets
060 Specialty Sockets
070 Pneumatic Sockets
64 Snips/Bolt Cutters/HVAV
010 Snips
020 All Purpose Shears
030 Bolt Cutters
040 Specialty Cutters
060 Crimper/HVAC Tools
66 Propane Kits/Fuel/Accs
010 Propane Kits
020 Propane Fuel
030 Propane Accs
040 MAPP Gas/Accs
050 Brazing Kits/Accs
68 Welders/Accessories
020 Welding Accessories
ZZZ ** SKU Conversion **
70 Soldering Products
010 Irons
020 Guns
030 Tips
71 Solder
010 Solder
74 Oilers
010 Oilers
75 Clamps
010 C-Clamps
020 Pipe Clamps
030 Bar Clamps
040 Spring Clamps
060 Specialty Clamp/Accs
76 Workbenches/Legs/Brackets
020 Legs/Sawhorse Brackets
030 Sawhorses/Workmates
050 Workbenches
77 Vises
010 Heavy-Duty
020 Utility
78 Tool Boxes
010 Plastic
020 Metal
030 Chests/Rollers Cabinets
040 Specialty Tool Boxes
79 Parts Bins & Holders
010 Parts Cabinets/Bins
020 Tool Holders
030 Specialty Boxes
80 Wrecking Bars/Pullers
010 Wrecking Bars
020 Utility/Pry Bars
040 Nail Pullers
83 Stationary/Benchtop Tools
010 Stationary
020 Benchtops
84 Dust Collection
010 Wet/Dry Vacs
020 Wet/Dry Vac Accs
85 Consumer Power Tools
010 Corded Drills
020 Circular Saws
030 Sanders
050 Grinders/Mandrils
070 Screwdrivers
090 Polishers
100 Jig/Reciprocating Saws
110 Heat Guns & Accessories
120 Specialty Power Tools
130 Cordless Drills
140 Multi-Tool Kits
86 Heavy-Duty Power Tools
010 Corded Drills
020 Saws
030 Sanders
040 Impact Wrenches
050 Grinders/Mandrils
060 Planers
070 Screwdrivers
080 Routers
100 Jig/Reciprocating Saws
120 Specialty Heavy Duty
130 Cordless Drills
140 Multi-Kits
87 Power Tool Accessories
010 Drill Accessories
020 Saw Accessories
030 Specialty Accessories
040 Power Sanding Accessories
050 Tool Batteries/Chargers
89 Compressors
030 Tank Compressors
040 Accessories
91 Hobby/Craft Tools
010 Hand-Held
030 Accessories
SS Shrink
00S Shrink
64 Fluorescent Light Bulbs
010 Bi-Pin
020 Single Pin
030 Appliance
040 Specialty
050 Compact
65 Security Light Bulbs
010 Mercury Vapor
040 Metal Halide
66 LED Light Bulbs
010 Decorative - LED
020 Reflector - LED
030 Globe - LED
040 A-Line - LED
050 Linear - LED
060 Vintage - LED
070 Specialty - LED
090 Smart - LED
100 Advanced Bulbs - LED
00 Flashlights
020 LED
040 Rechargeable
060 Head Mounted Light
090 Closeout Flashlights
01 Lanterns
010 Standard
030 Camping/Outdoor
040 Closeout Lanterns
02 Battery Oper Spec Lights
010 Closet
020 Desaster/Emergency
05 Batteries
020 Alkaline
030 Rechargeable
040 Photo
050 Lantern/Farm
060 Watch/Calculator
070 Hearing Aid
06 Battery Chargers
020 Battery Chargers
07 Cord Sets
010 Indoor Extension Cords
030 Clamp and String Lights
040 Exterior Extension Cords
050 Power Center Extensions
060 Appliance
070 Replacement
080 Mobile Home/RVF & Marine
110 Cord Reels
120 Generator Cords
130 C/I Contractor GFCI Cords
09 Heat Cable
010 Heat Tape
10 Wire [By the Foot]
020 Thermostat/Bell Speaker
030 Non-Metallic Indoor Wire
070 THW/THWN/THHN Standed Wire
090 Indoor Cord
100 Outdoor Cord
120 Bare Copper
11 Wire [Box Roll or Coil]
020 Thermostat/Bell Speaker
060 TWH/THWN/THHN Solid Wire
070 THW/THWN/THHN Stranded Wire
120 Bare Copper
100 Primary Wire
090 Indoor Cord
010 Metal Coiled Wire
030 Non-Metallic Indoor Wire
040 Underground Feeder Outdoor
12 Conduit
010 Thin Wall Metal
020 Intermediate Metal
040 Flexible Metal
070 Liquid Tite Flex PVC
080 PVC Rigid
090 AC/Fixture Whips
100 Power Struts
110 Power Strut Accessories
13 Electrical Boxes/Covers
010 PVC Boxes/Covers
020 Steel Boxes/Covers
030 Fiberglass Boxes/Covers
040 Metal Weatherproof Boxes/Cover
050 PVC Weatherproof Boxes/Covers
060 Specialty Boxes/Covers
070 Low Volt Electrical Boxes
090 Ceiling Fan Boxes/Supports
100 Box/Cover Accessories
14 Electrical Fittings
010 Electrical Metal Conduit
020 BX[Armored Cable] Fitting
030 Flexible Metallic Fitting
040 Grounding Fitting
050 Liquid Tight Flexible Metal
060 Liquid Tite Flexible PVC
070 Specialty Fittings
080 Non-Metallic Cable Fitting
090 Metal Service Entrance Fitting
100 PVC Sch 40/80 Fittings
110 PVC Quick Connect Fitting
120 PVC Service Entrance Head/Fit
15 Grounding Rods
010 Grounding Rods
16 Straps/Staples/Connectors
010 Straps
020 Hangers
030 Ties/Flex Tubing
040 Staples
050 Wire Connectors
060 Heat Shrink
070 Specialty Electrical
18 Surface Wire Carry System
010 Floor Wire Carry System
020 Metal Wire Carry System
030 Surface Wire System Acc
040 Plastic Wire Carry System
19 Timers
010 Cordless
020 Corded
040 Mechanical
24 Receptacles/Outlets
050 Bulk Receptacles
060 Boxed/Carded Receptacles
070 Specialty Receptacles
080 Safety
090 Commercial/Industrial
100 Twist/Lock Receptacles
110 Decorator Receptacles
25 Switches
010 Remote Switches/Receivers
030 Carded Toggle Switches
040 Bulk Toggle Switches
050 Fused Outlet Box Systems
060 Toggle Dimmer Switches
070 Rotary Dimmer Switches
080 Toggle Fan Control Switch
090 Rotary Fan Control Switch
100 Specialty Switches
110 Feed Through Switches
120 Spec Purpose Combo Switch
130 Touch Control Dimmers
140 Photoelectric Switches
150 Decorator Switches
170 Slide Dimmer Switches
180 Timer Switches
220 Infrared Switches
230 Commercial/Industrial
26 Plugs/Caps/Connectors
010 RV Park/Marine Equipment
020 Split Bolt Connector
040 Solderless Lugs
050 Blade Plug/Caps/Conn
060 Turnlok Plugs/Caps/Conn
070 Adapters
080 Appliance Plugs
090 Saftey
100 Commercial/Industrial
27 Multiple Outlet Devices
010 Plug-In
020 Strip
030 Surge Suppression
33 Wall Plates
010 Carded Metal
020 Bulk Metal
030 Carded Plastic
040 Bulk Plastic
080 Wall Plate Screws
100 Commercial/Industrial
35 Sockets/Lampholders
010 Consumer Sockets/Holders
36 Night Lights
010 Manual On/Off
020 Photocell
38 Computer Accessories
010 Cables
040 Accessories
39 Category 5 Accessories
010 Category 5 Accessories
40 Television Antennas
010 Indoor
020 Outdoor
41 Audio/Video Accessories
010 Antenna Outdoor/Indoor
020 Audio Cables
030 Video Cables
040 Video Accessories
050 Audio Accessories
060 Speaker Wire & Speakers
42 Fluorescent Fixture Accessory
010 Ballasts
020 Starters
030 Lampholders
589 Lens Covers
43 Replacement Lamp Parts
010 Hardware
020 Electrical
45 Electrical Tape
010 Carded
020 Bulk
030 Liquid
040 Specialty/Contractor
48 Electrical Tool/Testers
010 Tools
020 Testers/Tester Fuses
030 Specialty Tool Acces
040 Bulb Changers
49 Fuses
010 Plugs
020 Cartrdges
030 Appliance/ Computer
52 Circuit Protection Devices
010 Bulk Circuit Breaker Interchg
020 Carded Circuit Breaker Intercg
030 Bulk Circuit Breaker Non-Chg
040 Carded Circuit Breaker Non-Chg
050 Main Breaker Load Centers
060 Main Lug Load Center
070 Specialty Panels
080 Load Center Accessories
090 Saftey Switches
120 Meter Sockets
130 Utility Poles
54 Chimes and Accessories
010 Chimes/Intercom
020 Door Buttons
030 Transformers
070 Wireless
55 Generators
010 Generator Accessories
020 Portable Generators
030 Stand-by Generators
56 Recessed Lighting
010 Recessed Housings and Accessories
020 LED Retrofit
030 LED Surface Mount
040 LED Direct Mount
050 Interior Decor
63 Incandescent Light Bulbs
010 A-Line
020 Reflector
030 Globe
040 Decorative
050 Tubular
060 Specialty
080 Quartz/Halogen
090 Closeout DOE Bulbs
69 Phone Accessories
010 Line/Round/Coil Cords
030 Wallplates/Jacks
040 Accessories
71 Terminals & Clips
010 Terminals
020 Bulk Terminals
030 Clips/Connectors
73 Outdoor Area Lighting
010 Commercial Lighting
030 Metal Halide Fixtures
050 Quartz Lighting
060 Motion Activated Lighting
070 Dawn To Dusk Lighting
080 Weatherproof/Vaporproof
100 Incandescent Area
76 Portable Work Lighting
010 Work Lights
020 Trouble Lights
030 Clamp And Brooder Lamps
040 LED Under Cabinet
A6 Specialty Electronics
020 Security Systems & Accessories
44 Ceiling Fans & Accessories
010 Ceiling Fans
020 Light Kits
030 Accessories
040 Ceiling Rosettes
56 Decorative Light Fixtures
010 Interior Decorative
020 Exterior Decorative
030 Weather Proof Lighting
060 Track And Pendant
070 Recessed Lighting
080 Rope Lighting & Accs
090 Lamp Post & Accessories
58 Replacement Glass
020 Replacement Lamp Glass
59 Functional Indoor
040 Lampshades
72 Fluor/LED Light Fixture
010 Indoor Fixtures
050 Shoplight
020 Strip Light
74 Lawn & Garden Lighting
010 Low Voltage
050 Solar
070 Line Voltage Lawn & Garden
080 Solar & Low Voltage Accs
75 Under Cabinet Lighting
010 Fluorescent
040 LED
SO Shrink
050 ** SKU Conversion **
01 Faucet Parts
010 Stems
020 Seats
030 Aerators/Adapters
040 Faucet Handles/Adapters
050 Kits
060 Screws
070 Accessories
02 Valves [Except Rough Brass]
010 Metal Ball Valves
030 Metal Gate Valves
040 Stop/Stop & Waste Valves
050 Check & Swing Check
060 Thermostatic Mixing Valve
110 Gas Valves & Gas Cocks
120 Water & Air Regulators
160 Vacum Breakers
170 Valve Parts & Handles
180 Plastic Ball Valves
200 Plastic Stop/ Sewer & Waste
04 Washers/O-Rings/Packing
010 Flat
020 Beveled
030 O-Ring
040 Assortment Packs
050 Cone Washers
060 Slip Joint Washers
070 Packing/Fiber/Gasket
05 Water Filtration
010 Water Filters
020 Replacement Cartridges
040 Water Test Kits
06 Whole House Filtration
06 Tubular Products
010 Brass
020 Plastic
030 Basket Stainer Assembly
040 Pop-Ups And Accessories
050 ** SKU Conversion **
07 Water Supply Lines
010 Brass/Copper
030 PVC Flexible Supply Lines
040 Stainless Steel Braided
050 Fitting/Parts/Adapters
08 Ballcocks/Flappers
010 Fill Valves
030 Flappers/Tank Balls/Seat Disc
040 Ballcock Repair
050 Flush Valves
060 Toilet Repair Kits
070 Lift Rods & Floats
09 Toilet Trim
010 Wax Gasket Rings
020 Bolts/Gaskets
030 Flush Levers
040 Toilet Seat Repair
060 Commercial Flush Valve Parts
10 Plumbing Tools
010 Plumbing Tools
12 Supply Shut-Off Valves
010 Brass Shut-Off Valves
16 Bath Sprays/Stoppers
020 Basin/Tub Stoppers
17 Shower Rod/Flanges
020 Flanges
23 Rough Faucets
010 Metal Sillcocks & Bibbs
020 Garden Valve & Lawn Faucet
040 Wash Machine Valves
050 Metal Boiler Drains
070 Plastic Sillcocks & Bibbs
26 Water Supply Flanges
010 Flanges
27 Thermostats & Controls
010 Thermostats
28 Thermo Couples
020 Furnace & Water Heater
32 Furnace Filters
010 Standard 1" Filters
020 Standard 2" Filters
030 High Efficiency
040 Accessories
070 3-5" Filters
33 AC & Rangehood Filters
010 Easy Kleen Filters
35 Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers
010 Air Purifiers
020 Air Purifier Filters
030 Dehumidifers
37 Heating Registers
020 Standard Registers/Grills
040 Air Deflectors
38 Vent Pipe/Fittings
070 Black Pipe & Fittings
100 Vent Caps/Roof Jacks
120 Galvanized Pipe & Fittings
130 Flexible Insulated Ducting
140 B Vent Pipe
150 Gas "B" Vent Pipe & Fittings
160 Dampers
39 Chimney Brushes
010 Brush/Mechanical Cleaners
040 Chimney Cleaning Accessories
40 Sump/Utility Pumps
010 Sump Pumps
020 Repair Parts [Sump Pumps]
030 Utility Pumps
050 Fountain Pumps & Accessories
060 Specialty Pumps/Accessories
070 Discharge/Suction Hoses
080 Check Valves
110 Sewage/Effluent Pumps
41 Well/Sprinkler Pumps
010 Shallow Well Jet Pumps
030 Jet Assemblies
060 Pump Tanks
42 Well Supplies
030 Check Valves
040 Foot Valves
050 Standard Pump Repair Items
060 Accessories
46 Waste Disposers/Accessories
020 Waste Disposers
040 Accessories & Parts
48 Drain Cleaner Equipment
010 Drain Augers
020 Drain Auger Accessories
030 Plungers/Openers
49 Pipe Joint Sealants
010 Pipe Putty
040 Plastic Cements/Cleaners
050 Teflon Tapes
060 Lubricants
50 Insulation
010 Extruded Pipe Insul Pkg
020 Extruded Pipe Insul Bulk
030 Fiberglass Pipe Insulation
040 Insulation Tape
050 Faucet Covers
070 Water Heater Blankets
51 Chimney Cleaners
010 Chimney Sweep
030 Accessories
52 Cement/Furnace Repair
010 Furnace Cement
020 Fireplace Mortar
050 Gasket Cement
060 Stove Polishes/Paints
070 Sealers & Patches
54 Water Heaters
020 Gas Energy Saving
040 Electric Energy Saving
060 Repair Parts
070 Accessories
55 Supplemental Heaters
010 Wall Furnaces
020 Kerosene Wick Heaters & Accessories
030 Utility Heaters Oil/LP
040 Utility Heater Parts & Acc
050 Gas Space Heaters & Accessories
070 Elec Baseboard/Built-In Heater
080 Electric Portable Heaters
101 Portable Electric Radiant
104 Portable Electric Ceramic
57 Cooling Fans
010 Evaporative Coolers
020 Pedestal Fans
030 High Velocity
040 Barrel Fans
050 Desk Top
060 Wall Mount
070 Box Fan
59 Hearth Products & Accessories
010 Fire Sets
020 Fire Screens/Spark Guards
030 Grates
040 Firelighters
050 Log Baskets/Holders
060 Tools
080 Log Lighters/Gas Valves
090 Hods/Ash Cans/Shovels
100 Accessories
60 Fireplaces/Stoves/Inserts
010 Firelogs & Firestarters
020 Gas Logsets & Accessories
030 Wood Fireplaces/Wood&Coal Stvs
040 Fireplace & Stove Components
62 Gas/Water Connectors
010 Bulk Pro-Coat Gas Conn
020 Water Connectors
030 Bagged Pro-Coat Gas Conn
040 Gas Conn Accessories
63 Copper Tubing
010 Lengths
020 Coils
030 Hook-Ups
65 Flexible Connectors
010 Couplings